Breaking Cinder and meeting the Ace ops(update)

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Me and teams RWBY and JNPR were in the elevator to the cave.

Y/N:I guess I should have showd Ya'll the cave sooner I guess we were a bit busy hanging out and with recent events.

Ren:We'll it has been a turn of events.

Jaune:Ain't that the truth.

We then arrived at the cave and both team's were in awe of it.


Pyrrha:This place is amazing look at all this tech.

Then Ruby went to the armoury.

Ruby:OH MY GOOOOOOD!!! YOU HAVE ALL THESE WEAPONS?!!! AND*notices schematics and blueprints*YOU HAVE SCHEMATICS AND BLUEPRINTS FOR NEW WEAPONS?!!!*then she sped to me*

Y/N:*chuckles*Sure why not?

Then I see Weiss and Pyrrha heading towards my lab.

Pyrrha:Is this a lab?

Y/N:Yep it's where I'm gonna develop technology greater then Atlas and collect research for cure's that haven't been made yet

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Y/N:Yep it's where I'm gonna develop technology greater then Atlas and collect research for cure's that haven't been made yet.

Weiss:Hey Y/N what's this?

Y/N:Oh that it's the BFG 9000 it's very powerful gun from a video game called doom and its not ready yet but once it is let's just say it packs one hell of a punch

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Y/N:Oh that it's the BFG 9000 it's very powerful gun from a video game called doom and its not ready yet but once it is let's just say it packs one hell of a punch.

Ren and Jaune were at the command center.

Ren and Jaune were at the command center

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