|ENG: Rosakae| Church

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How boring.

Undoubtedly the nights when Rosaria had to stand guard in the church were torture for her. Rosaria liked to use the night to patrol and do her things, but on the days when it was her night shift at church, she couldn't do any of that.

Although not everything was bad, at least on the night shift she was alone and did not have to put up with her co-workers who she disliked so badly.

In fact, normally there were two nuns on the night shift but Rosaria specifically asked that when it was her turn she wanted to be left alone because she said, textually, 'I already have to put up with you all day, I don't want to have to put up with you all night too'.

Obviously, the nuns did not refuse because the feeling was reciprocal, it was difficult for them to get along with Rosaria even if some tried very hard, but the pink haired nun one was a tough nut to crack.

Anyway, Rosaria got very bored during those kinds of nights.

She couldn't leave the church so on those nights she would either read or write to kill time since she had to be there until six in the morning, which is when they came to replace her.

The hardest thing was not being able to go out to smoke... but she still wouldn't stop smoking because of a stupid rule.

Rosaria went inside the church confessional to smoke, sometimes she smoked only tobacco and other times she smoked "medicinal" herbs that she ordered from the Bubu pharmacy in Liyue.

Today, luckily, the package that she had ordered had arrived, with her herbs and pills that she called: anti-baby pills.

That was another good thing about night shifts, she could receive her packages without having to give any kind of explanations.

The nun licked the paper from her joint and finished rolling it, then she used her lighter to set the tip on fire so she could start smoking.

Ah, now that's peace.

Suddenly the night shift didn't seem as bad as before.

As she was locked up in the confessional, hardly any of the smoke went outside, which is why the effects of this herb acted more quickly, calming her down.

The girl exhaled and leaned her head against the wood, closing her eyes as she enjoyed this little moment she had all to herself.

But this moment of loneliness did not last long.

After a few minutes Rosaria heard footsteps in the church approaching the confessional.

At another time she would have been alert or would have tried to hide the joint as much as possible, but she had already done this several times and knew how to differentiate the steps of one of the nuns from the steps of the person who had just entered.

The door on the other side of the confessional opened, the side where the people who want to confess sit.

Rosaria was silent as she listened to someone sit on the other side, a slight smile adorning her face. The night was about to get interesting.

"Oh lord, forgive me, for I have sinned" said the velvety voice of a certain gentleman.

"Pft- You're here to confess your sins, sinner?" Rosaria said, playing along.

"Yes, I need to end these lustful thoughts"

"... What do you think exactly?"

"I want to be suffocated by the thighs of a certain nun"

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