4 years ago pt.2

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-Age 8-

         As I opened my eyes, I closed them back tightly, the scorching bright light burning through them. I attempt opening my eyes slowly this time as I see a white ceiling. Turning my head to the side I see an ANBU standing next to my bed and another one next to the door, both watching me carefully.

I slowly leaned up and looked around the room, a little (completely) confused and realized I was in a hospital. Then all the memories of last night came flooding back as I just sat there staring at the wall blankly. Everyone's dead. And Itachi killed them. But why? I didn't think he hated his own clan that much. I don't think that's the reason, he didn't hate his clan. I don't think he had anything against them either. And even so, why just leave me alive? That caused another memory to come back.

Sasuke is dead.

I must have said that out loud because the ANBU closest to me responded, "Sasuke Uchiha? He isn't dead, he's in the room next to this one." It took me a minute to process what he said before I turned and looked at him with shocked eyes. "But that's impossible I saw him dead...." I trailed off before it clicked in my head. I didn't see Sasuke physically dead, I saw him dead in Itachi's genjutsu! I mentally facepalm as I get up and started heading towards the door until the ANBU near it spoke up.

"I don't think you should go in unless your immediate family" he stated, looking down at me. I raised my eyebrow slightly, "I am 'immediate family' soo-" I stepped to the side to get by but he blocked me again. "I mean in the main branch kid, friends that consider themselves family don't count." When he said that I understood what he meant. This idiot thinks I'm not related to him because I have darker skin then him. What a dummy.

"Sir, I am the daughter of Fugaku Uchiha, me and Sasuke came out of my mom's womb in the same day. We're twins," I spat with a slight attitude, hand on my hip only because he was pissing me off. "Plus, i'm only a little darker than my Otou-sama, so it's not that unbelievable." I ran inbetween his legs before he could respond and out the door to the room next to me, bursting the door open.

The ravenette was just sitting there, seeming like he was lost in thought. My mind calmed almost immediately just by seeing him. Sure, my whole clan and everything I love is dead, but at least not everyone I love is dead. I still have my twin and in that moment as I watched him, I felt like he was all I needed at the time. I walked over to him and flicked him on his forehead. He looked over at me with slight shock visible on his face as I smiled slightly at him.

"Hi Suki." That's the nickname I came up with when we were younger

"Onee-chan?" He asked, with a certain glint in his eyes, maybe uncertainty as he rubbed the spot where I flicked him. As soon as I was about to respond, the other ANBU in the room beat me to it. "Well now that you're both awake and seemingly well, we must take you to the Hokage to see what to do with you." He stated, opening the door again for us to exit. I watch Sasuke stand up and look at his clothes, then mine. "We cannot go see the hokage looking like this." I say pointing at our hospital outfits. That's when the ANBU from my room came in with both me and Sasuke's clothes and handed it to us.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~Time skip~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

As we walk towards the Hokages office, Sasuke slightly grips on my shirt from behind me so I turn around and give him a slight smile. Now that Mom's not here, it'll be my job to help him. Who else would do it?

I turn back front as my smile faded. I still don't understand, and I don't think I ever will. Why would Itachi do this? Why only keep us alive? Nothing adds up.

I came out of my saddening thoughts when the ANBU with us knocks three times. After a few short seconds we hear a hoarse voice say "Come in."

As the door opened, I stepped inside with Sasuke. "So, you must be the last two survivors of the Uchiha clan, yes?" He looked down at us from his seat. I looked at Sasuke then back at the Hokage, "I mean, we are the only two in the room right now so yes?" I said with sarcasm.

The Hokage only laughed. "Well, you'll need a new place to stay correct? I can give you both a small apartment since it's only the two of you, and I hope you don't mind but it's going to be fairly close to your compound." He exclaimed as he pulled out a small key and handed it to me saying "I expect you to be responsible enough to not loose it."

"Sure, it's a simple task to not loose a key y'know." I said, swinging the key around my finger. I turned to look at Sasuke seeing he hasn't said anything. He looks deep in thought again, but his eyes look darker than they did before. I just left him to his thoughts as I turned back to the Hokage. "Is that all?" I asked, just wanting to sleep the rest of the day away. However, before he could say anything I took Sasuke's hand and walked out.

Before I turned and walked back in.

"Uhhh where exactly is the apartment..?" I asked cheekily as the Hokage sweat dropped. "You two are gonna be a handful."

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~Another Time Skip~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

While we walked up to the apartment, I realized when the Hokage said 'fairly close', he meant right across the street. That's kinda messed up, but whatever.

As I unlocked the door and stepped in, that's when Sasuke spoke for the first time in a while. "I swear...I will kill Itachi for what he did."

What he said didn't surprise me. I guess you can say I even anticipated it. What surprised me was how cold his voice sounded when he said it. I knew I couldn't change his mind about it anyway so there was no point trying. "Ok, i'll help you train until the day comes then." I stated calmly but it seemed to shock him.

"Really? I thought I would have to convince you but ok" he said still suspicious that I agreed so quickly.
I really wasn't gonna argue back though and he noticed, deciding to leave it alone. "So when are we gonna train?" He asked a little enthusiastically. It caused me to smirk a little knowing how eager he was to train with me. "Maybe tomorrow, i'm tired today and that's still a maybe because now I have to go get groceries and our clothes and other stuff tomorrow." I told him, walking to one of the rooms.


I heard him but I didn't reply I just looked between both rooms. They were right across the hall from each other.

"I claim the bigger room" I said to him as I walked in, taking in the aesthetic of the room.

I only took it because you can see the whole compound from the window, and I don't want Sasuke to see that.

I plopped down on the bed and just laid there, tears starting to stream down my face as Itachi's words repeated in my head until I slowly drifted to sleep.

"You no longer have people to depend on, you must grow up,"

"Take your love for me and turn it into pure hatred."

We're gonna be on the main plot soon 😎

1325 words

Sasuke's Twin; Y/N Uchiha (Black/brown reader)Where stories live. Discover now