Back to the present

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-Age 12-

         I slowly open my eyes, wiping the sleep away from them and checking the clock and seeing it's three in the morning. "Hn." I murmured, slowly dragging my way to the bathroom, and stopping by Sasuke's room to see him still sleeping.

Well, I mean of course he is. Any sane person would still be sleeping, but I had reasons for waking up so early. As I get to the bathroom, I brush my teeth and wash my face. I don't bother to do my hair yet or take a shower, there's a reason for that though.

When I finish I slowly sneak out of the house as not to wake up the raven haired boy. I walk to the gates of Konoha with purpose as I see the two that always seems to wait on my arrival.

"Uchiha, bout time you got here."

"Calm down, i'm not even two minutes late Kotetsu." I replied to his impatience with a playful roll of my eyes. "So what are you planning on scoring today?" Izumo asked, having his timer out. I put a singular finger out.

"It'll take me one hour to sprint around the whole perimeter of this village." I said confidently. "But that's-" I cut Kotetsu off. "Approximately two and a half minutes per mile. Yup." I did my math, i'm smarter than I seem. You also might be wondering, 'how is she so confident in running two minutes every mile for an hour?', well the answer is simple. I've been building up my endurance for years. Every single day. I'm one hundred percent positive in myself.

"Typical cocky Uchiha, huh? That's near impossible, not even our greatest taijutsu masters can achieve that yet." Kotetsu taunted as I rolled my eyes. Now I have to do it just to prove my point.

"Tch, i'm ready." I said as I stretched one more time.

"Ok, 3," Izumo started.

"2," I got ready to run.

"1!" He started the timer as I sped away, leaving a trail of dust. Kotetsu leaned against the gate and Izumo looked at him.

"You told her that on purpose didn't you?"

"Yup. She responds better when she's under pressure." He said smirking.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~Time skip~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

         I ran back up towards the gate and stop abruptly before I crash into the part of the gate my hands were on. I was breathing heavily, completely out of breath and looking over to Izumo, whom was looking at the timer a little shocked. "You actually got one hour on the dot. I didn't actually expect you to do it, good job." he stated as Kotetsu walked up to me, ruffling my hair. "Knew you could do it, kid." I smirked up at them as my air flow started to regulate once again. I smack the black haired chunin's hand off of me as I fix my hair up a little even though it wasn't necessarily done.

"Oi, oi no! Your gonna make it worse to detangle and you know I have school. Speaking of, I have to go back home to get ready so see you tomorrow." I said already walking back towards my apartment as they waved.

I put my hands in the pockets of my black pajama pants, this time strolling back home. I still had a while so I was just looking around the village. I'm a very attentive person now. Whether you blame it on the events of the massacre or not, I think I would've ended up like this anyway. I'm a sensory type so it would be natural for me to be observant of my surroundings. I also read a lot of scrolls I find in the library, so that's been helping with my studies too.

As I focus on my own chakra, I can feel others chakra's around me. A whole bunch of vendors that are setting up their stands, a couple of random civilians, and I even sense some of my classmates chakra as I pass by their houses.

Sasuke's Twin; Y/N Uchiha (Black/brown reader)Where stories live. Discover now