
705 35 9

February 25, 2019
2:37 pm.


I sat down in the living room watching them running around getting ready, women I thought because even as beautiful as they knew they were, they just felt like they needed to add more to look beautiful

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I sat down in the living room watching them running around getting ready, women I thought because even as beautiful as they knew they were, they just felt like they needed to add more to look beautiful.

"Are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Teeana nudged my shoulder and I realized that she had taken a seat beside me on the couch. She was the sibling and the friend out of them all that wasn't into the whole makeup and hair thing.

"Yeah, I'm good. How you feeling this morning?"

"I felt better after waking up this morning."

"That's good."

"Yeah. She's beautiful isn't she?" I looked at her to see what direction her eyes were fixed and her eyes were on Breanna.

"She's perfect."

"I don't even deserve her as a sister because she's too good for this world and I feel like I'm holding her back." Here it was, another person making it known that I was a fucking asshole for how I was doing her dirty.

"Tee, cut all that shit out, you know yo sister wouldn't want it any other way and she loves you no matter what."

"I know that and I'm honestly so stunned at how she can love another person with no reservations even as cruel as this world is."

"That's one of the main reasons why I love her."

"Talking about love and all that." She nudged my shoulder again with a smirk. "You don't think it's time yet?"

"Time?" I asked not catching on to what she was hinting at yet and pointed to Breanna then to her ring finger and the realization hit. "Oh yeah, check this out." I reached into my pocket and pulled the ring box out.

"Are you serious?" She asked in a whisper as she opened the box and her mouth fell open. "Are you fucking serious?" She whispered asked yet again and I nodded. "This is beautiful and she will definitely love this."

"You think so?"

"I know so but when is the big day?" She gave the box back to me and I put it back into my pocket.

"I might need yo help in putting together a lil something before we go back home since y'all from here and know all the good spots."

"Say less bro, we're going to sweep her off her feet."

"A nigga counting on that." She nudged my shoulder yet again and nodded her to let me know that she had it covered.

5:20 pm

"Bre? Breanna Sicard?" I watched her turn around as this dude stopped next to her and a smile found it's way onto her face. "I thought that was you."

"Atwon fricking Greaves." She went in for a hug and normally I wouldn't even trip because I knew she wasn't like that but they hugged for way too long and his hand was too close to her ass. "You just fell off the face of the earth."

"I haven't seen you in like five years."

"I can't believe it has been that long ago but what have you been up?" She was smiling way too hard and she hadn't made any move to introduce me as her man to this dude that she clearly had something with in the past. Why the fuck was I letting this get to me?

"I moved out of town, got my dream job and I got a daughter."

"You got married?"

"Unfortunately no but my babygirl is a blessing despite things not working out with her mother."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"What have you been up to these last five years? Married? Kids?" She looked at me out of the corner of her eyes before smiling and shrugging her shoulders.

"No such luck yet?"

"So are you single?" I knew that nigga saw me standing there, every fucking body saw me there so the fucking nerve he had to ask her if she was single.

"Actually no, where are my manners?" She laughed before taking my hand. "This is my boyfriend Mikhail and baby this is my childhood friend, Atwon."

"Nice to meet you bro and I apologize for overstepping my boundaries there." He outstretched his hand and I shook it.

"It was cool meeting you."

"How long y'all in town for?"

"Atleast a week so we have to meet up and have a few drinks sometime before I leave."

"That'd be great, let me leave my card with you so you can get in touch with me." He took a card from his pocket and handed it to her. "I'll take my leave now."

"Alright Antwon, see you." He waved and left. I didn't want to let it bother me but I hated how he made her so happy by just a simple conversation.
11:07 pm

"Who you texting?" I asked when she laughed out loud for probably the hundredth time since we got back to her mom's house.


"Ole dude ain't see the fucking time?"

"You text on your phone all the time, I'm just catching up with an old friend." She told me rolling her eyes as she turned her back to me and continued texting and snickering.

"Did you just turn your back on me when I'm talking to you?"

"Leave me alone Mikhail Anderson." I grabbed her phone and threw it across the room onto a sofa. "Are you fucking crazy? You're so fucking disrespectful Mikhail."

"I don't want you talking to him."

"Why are you behaving like this all of a sudden?"

"That nigga was too friendly and I don't fucking like it."

"Do you hear yourself talking like a crazy person?"

"I sound like a crazy person cause I ain't want you to be interacting with ole dude?" She got off the bed and went to go get her phone but I beat her to it. "You can have this shit back when I feel good and ready to give it back."

"I feel like you get a fucking thrill whenever we argue or else you wouldn't be trying to start a fight with me every single time." She sighed and ran her hand over her face before she sat down on the sofa with her face in her hands. "I don't want to argue with you Mikhail but I will not stop talking to Antwon and you can either accept it or leave it, I really don't care."


"Just leave me be Mikhail." She got up, went to the bed, grabbed her pillows and blanket before going back over to the sofa.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to sleep Mikhail, just go to bed because I'm tired." She lay down and pulled her blanket up over her body before turning her back to me.


Update. Update. Update.

That's all I'm saying so say thank you....

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