
643 39 20

April 5,2019
6:55 pm


"Mama, what are you doing? We gotta get going or we're going to miss our reservations." Women and their hair, makeup and clothes. "Come on Breanna, not another one." I sighed and sat down on the bed because she was changing her dress for the third time.

"Just give me five more minutes Mik and I'll be ready."

"You said that five minutes ago and we're still at square one."

"You see all this, it takes time to look this good and besides you're the one that wants an eye candy on your arm." She looked good in anything but I really didn't care what she wore because whether she was dressed up or dressed down, she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

I bet she is, isn't she. The little nagging voice in my head said sarcastically and I realized that it had become more prominent in the past few days.

Not now.

I'm not really speaking to you, I'm just your conscience and I'm here to remind you of what you need to do in not so many words nigga.

Just shut the fuck up.

You know she finna leave yo ass right?*

Nigga shut up.

Who yo ass calling nigga, nigglet?

"Are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see her standing in front of me ready to go. "I've been calling your name for the past 10 seconds."

"I'm good baby, just zoned out for a lil bit. You ready to go now?"

"How do I look?" She asked while doing a little spin. "So?"

"You look so beautiful mama."

"Okay, let's go." She walked ahead of me and I couldn't help the smile that found it's way onto my and I knew nothing could ruin tonight.

9:37 pm

"Mikhail?" I could've died and gone to hell because at the rate I was going, I knew that there was a special place in hell for me. "I know you're fucking lying."

"Mik, who is this person?" I didn't know what to say or how to get out of this because here these two women were, looking at me in confusion.

"I don't know this person."

"Okay, I see how it is, you're going to get yours." She turned around and walked away. Breanna picked up her bag and got up to go and I couldn't blame her because this was wrong on so many levels. I would never put her in a position to be embarrassed.

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