"Am I Seeing Things?"

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Luke's P.O.V.

As I sat there in math class, gently tapping my pencil on my desk while trying my best to listen to the lecture today. My brain kept wandering to Zander though, it had been exactly a year since he died.

1 year.
52 weeks.
365 days.
8760 hours.
525600 minutes.

That's how long it'd been. How long since..
"Luke. Luke. Hello? The answer?" The sharp, raspy voice of my teacher rang out into the classroom which suddenly felt a lot smaller.

My face started to heat up, for I had no idea what question she had just asked me. "Umm, Ma'am? Can you please repeat your question?" I muttered nervously.

"Just as I suspected.." she sighed, "not paying attention."

"Sorry, Miss." I quickly replied, my face still hot with embarrassment and shame. I drew in a sharp breath, and released it slowly, relaxing my fists as I did so.

From that point on I only had one thought- this is going to be a long day.

As if my mood wasn't already ruined enough- Zander died a year ago today at the tree..that cursed tree-

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The bell. The signal that told everyone to go to their next period. I had lunch, so I was in no particular rush to get there. Besides, everyone was rushing in there, it was much calmer if you stayed behind the crowd.

I slowly strolled behind the commotion and looked at the lockers. So plain, they were navy blue and nondescript.

My shoes made soft tapping noises in the now empty hallway. Everyone had gone to the lunchroom already, yet I stayed back. I was so enveloped in my thoughts on this date that I could care less if I came into lunch late. However- I did have band practice.

I hastened my pace by a reasonable amount now, but Zander was in my brain the whole time. I still couldn't get over the fact that no one seemed to care that you were gone. They kept the band, they shoved your piano in a storage closet with all the other unused instruments.

I might be biased, but I don't know if this is right. We didn't do anything in your honor and I doubt we are doing anything special today. I don't mean to seem heartless towards the other members because I love them as well, but I wish they would show that towards Zander more.

I opened the door and everyone's attention turned to me in the music room, then I sheepishly tapped the inside of the door, "knock-knock?" I chuckled.

"Luke? Any particular reason you're late?" Hailey interrogated me.

"No- of course not Hailey. I just got a little side tracked is all." I smiled, but there was a glimmer of hurt in my eyes.  Hailey noticed. She knew what today was, and I guess I'm being immature about this, but I don't know what else to do.

"Alright. We can start practice now guys!" The club president chimed.

The sound of the instruments filled the room, matching perfectly on beat making a melodic sound like nothing you'd ever heard before. If you heard it you'd want to sing and dance along.

We played two or three beautiful songs but that's all, then everyone cleared out of the room, leaving just me. I walked over to a large wooden door, the storage closet.

I know it was wrong but during practice I had stolen Hailey's key to it. I just want to see the piano again, besides, what harm could it do?

I, as quietly as possible, inserted the key in the keyhole, turned the key, and the large door creaked as it opened. I entered the room but I jumped as I felt someone tap my shoulder. I, quick as lighting, slammed the door shut and hid the key behind my back.

who could've come in? I didn't hear anything..

I knew one thing though, I was so busted.

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