The Entrance

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Luke's P.O.V.
Zander gave me his warning..I know. But the portal is so interesting and hypnotic..maybe I could just go in for a second..I'll be right out! What's the worst that could happen?

I walked along the leaf infested path until I arrived at the grove in the trees. I knew going in that grove would mean the portal would pull me in, so I had to be able to bring myself back.

I stared at the lilac portal for around 5 minutes trying to release any tension or fear from my body, and once my mind was clear, I entered. One foot at a time, until I was fully submerged in the purple wispy magic.

A bad feeling started to build up the bottom of my stomach which soon turned into just nauseousness. Then came the dizziness..oh I was just

I'm not sure how long I had passed out for, but I'll guess around 30 minutes. Who knows though? I woke up and seemed to be in a nightmare paradise, is paradise the right word for that? I don't know. Everywhere you looked there was something horrifying, yet there was a beauty to this place.

I slowly floated through the place, deeper and deeper and I felt like crying. It was like a haunted house or funhouse of which you could never escape, which had stuff 10 times worse than others.

This weird dimension had such weird lighting and my usually butterscotch hair looks like Hailey's, an aqua shade of blue. After all the peaceful floating I had calmed down and focused on other things than the monsters around me, until a horrible feeling washed over me out of nowhere.

I needed to run.

I was floating however, so I did everything I could to float faster, but it wasn't much cause I couldn't really control it. I kept telling myself to calm down, there's nothing new, yet I still felt as tough there were something terrible near, something that I didn't want to see. More than anything- and then I saw it.

It was indescribable, sort of like a heart of this world but it didn't beat. It was always changing, and there were so many beautiful colors in it, including the shade of Zanders hair. So I can find a middle of all of this but not a way out? Then I realized how tightly I was squeezing my fists. Once I released them I started to feel all the sweat on my palms which wasn't a pleasant feeling.

The tears that were bubbling up in me earlier now started to form and spill out of my eyes, which turned glossy. I had reached something that was far worse than any fear here. A memory.

My floating stopped at it, no matter how much I wanted to move, yet couldn't. I didn't want to relive this day- please. Please don't make me- and the memory started to play. My tears spilled all over my cheeks and I used my jacket to dry them which made my eyes puffy.

The whole music club, Milly, Sean, Hailey, Jake, and I. Zander was driving up to the willow tree where we all stood, then another car slammed into Zanders mothers car, hitting the side where the amaranthine haired boy sat.

Time stopped.

Zander let out a shrill scream that could shatter glass, we called 911 and they came as fast as possible. Once they arrived, the boy had already lost a lot of blood, there was a huge gash on his leg, spewing out the red liquid. You could tell he was gonna be bruised a ton as well. Little scratches covered his body and his face had lost all color. He struggled to keep his eyes open. And his violet curls had red in them.

It was like I was there again. He was brought onto a stretcher and people were shouting commands everywhere. My heart beats seemed to drown out all the noise. He was wheeled into the stark white ambulance, sirens flaring.

They let me sit in it as well, so I did. It only pained me more to be in the same room as him, and see him struggling for his life. He was my best friend. His life was at stake, and I couldn't do anything. I could watch.

I had promised him to always be there for him, especially when he was hurting but I didn't seem to keep that promise. I had to actually be there. Comforting him, telling him it's all going to be okay, but look around. I'm not saying "you're gonna make it through this" I'm sitting here, doing nothing.

I couldn't stand to watch him die, and the look on his face, which displayed so much anguish and desperation was enough to make me cry for hours without end.

"ZANDER!" I gasped, through frantic breaths, then stopped to realize where I was. I was in my bed. My mother was on the phone with someone outside my room, and I couldn't hear what she was saying, so I ignored it.

Why was I brought here, and how? Who brought me? I had far too many questioned to be answered, then I saw a small drop of blood on my white pillowcase. I had been cut.

But how?

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