Revisiting The Past

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Zander's P.O.V.

(Zander ran away from Luke and is on a bench now.)

How could I have left him? How..especially alone with that monstrosity of a portal! I should probably go back.. I thought as I ran my fingers along the metal bench where I sat messing with the ridges.

Then Luke ran up to me, Milly right behind him, while Sean was trailing, "See Milly! Sean! I'm not hallucinating! Zander. Is. Right. There!" Luke protested.

"Um Luke? I don't see anybody..and if you're just gonna go on pranking everyone like this?.." Sean trailed off and gestured his hand towards me.

"What? Prank? I'm not joking. He's right there!" The ginger haired boy sternly retorted, pointing at my face.

"Look Luke. First you did this to Hailey, and now Milly and I.." then he paused so suddenly, so shocked. I felt a ton of chills run up his spine and that's when I became conscious that I had my hand on his shoulder. Well no wonder-

I then quickly tore my hand away and ran off. I felt horrible for Luke, his friends think he's some psychotic hallucinator. Wow, what a great friend I am.
Out of an instinct or something I ran to my old house, and there I found Hailey. She was sitting on the couch, curled up, and squeezing the life out of a pillow. She looked like she'd been crying.

I wanted to warm her and cheer her up in a big, comforting hug but I had to resist. I didn't want to freak her out, seeing her current state.

The living room was pretty much the same, but a box of tissues was on the arm of the couch. It had flowers on it. I don't see why they do that, because either your blowing your nose or your upset when you need a tissue, so why put something so happy on the box- not something neutral.

Also flowers? It's Fall, come on.

Why not go to my old room? I thought to myself as I started to head up the stairs, this house held so many memories, from the creaky brown stairs to my satin bedsheets.

The floors were cold, and as I opened my door, I winced as it made a loud noise but I don't think Hailey heard it. I wish I could go on a tour of this house again, but that won't be happening. They'd think it's haunted.

My room was very purple, my curtains remained closed, and one of my drawers lay loosely hanging out of the dresser. My homework was neatly stacked in a pile on the side of my desk, and my desk lamp was off.

That was probably the only best area in my room. Ever.

The bed was left unmade and I touched it appeared. One of my pillows lay on the floor, for I had been rushing to get out of the house. My alarm didn't wake me up, and neither did Hailey so I knew I was gonna be late.

Where was I going? I was heading to the biggest willow tree in the park, but not just any willow tree, the willow tree. If you didn't know about it- you were new, but you'd quickly learn. The schoolchildren of all ages played under the thick canopy of leaves.

And all the markings on the bark, despite being imperfect and unique..seemed perfect.

It was a beautiful autumn morning and the whole music club was going to get our imprints. Everyone looks forward to getting their imprint, but you want to get it at an age you'll remember, or if you have a really good year. Not just any day. You want to remember.

It'll only take a moment or two and you will feel a warm tingling rush throughout your body and then when you lift your hand off the rigid bark it leaves a handprint..but not a forever one. It'll disappear when you die.

I never got to make an imprint on that tree, so my spirit is free floating for everyone- well- Luke to see. If you get an imprint your spirit mergers with the tree and you go to an afterworld paradise. Yet I'm stuck in this human world forever- invisible from everyone.

No, you can't make an imprint after you're gone either, it just doesn't work like that. If only it did.

Now that autumn rolled back around the memories only came stronger.

The leaves gently crunch under your feet the same way as last year, and the previous one and so on. Do they hold the memories? Or do they just wither away and come back fresh.

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