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Zander's P.O.V.

"Why Luke?.. WHY DID YOU GO INTO THAT PORTAL?! WHAT THE HELL MADE YOU WANT TO GO IN THERE?" I screamed in your face, and you sat there. You looked hurt. You had been crying. "I warned you even..I WARNED you, but you didn't listen." I snapped, realizing how painful that was. I thought we were best friends. Who trust eachother.

Luke looked so petrified, he couldn't speak. He just managed to mouth the words "I'm sorry." And tears bubbled in his eyes. He seemed so hurt.

"Why can't you give me a verbal response, huh Peterson?" I retorted.

Your eyes flew off of me and quickly found the floor. The look on his face was sickening and I'm assuming mine was as well. He was usually such a cheery person, like a ray of sunshine. Now he seemed the opposite.

His golden eyes looked pale, his ginger hair was messy, unbrushed. Then he moved his hair out of his eyes which had waterfalls flowing from them. "Maybe I was wrong to.." he mumbled, but the rest of his sentence became inaudible to me, that's probably for the best.

I couldn't stand hearing that sentence come out of my best friend's mouth, so I didn't ask for him to speak up, or repeat himself. I knew he probably didn't want me here right now.

Then I slowly made my way to the door. And shot him a look of vulnerability, and left. I didn't want to cry in front of Luke, what good would it do? He's angry with me, it would probably just make it worse.

I walked tensely and quickly, my pace faltering though as I loosened my fists. I didn't mean it..but..why did it feel so good then?.. Ah! Be quiet Zander! You are just mad. You love Luke.

He didn't tell me to wait, or stay or anything of the sort though..

As I arrived at my old house, it seemed as though no one was home. It would probably be too painful to go to my own room, but I need a place to go, enclosed. Safe. So I made my way up to my step sister's room.

Hailey was always the more organized one, other than that desk of hers. The desk is always covered in papers, binders, books, you name it! It's there. I was still sobbing from. The little spat, and this only worsened my feelings, not as much as my own room would.

Even if the teal haired girl were here- she can't see me. She can't pay my back and tell me it's okay. She can't wipe my tears using her cardigan, nor can she envelope me in her warm hug. Her hugs are so safe, secure.

But for now. I'm alone. No one here to wipe my tears, comfort me, or anything.

I am surrounded by people in this crazy, bustling, fast paced world, yet I was alone. There was a hole in my heart. Like a missing puzzle piece in the masterpiece a person calls a heart.

I sat on Haileys bed and stared at the pictures she had placed on her walls and bookshelves.

So many memories covered this walls. Some simple ones, like going to the lark and getting ice cream, and walking to school every morning together.

There was also some deeper, more core ones. Just being together our whole lives, meeting eachother for the first time. When Bethany was born.

When we first met, it was the first day of first grade. I was the new kid. Hailey already had friends here, she went to kindergarten here. So I couldn't hang out much with her.

Her friends didn't like me very much either.

The teacher introduced me to my class and I was scared, terrified even. Everyone stared at me. Except for Luke. He smiled at me.

I took a seat somewhere in the middle of the room, all by myself and he took a seat next to me.

"I'm Luke!" He beamed, and for a moment everything else was irrelevant. We just gazed into eachother eyes. There was drops of golden honey in his and mine, there were galaxies.

"I'm Zander." I grinned, reaching my hand out for a handshake.

These beautiful photographs made many, many more memories flood into the front of my brain, all trying to project themselves to me at the same time. It was truly beautiful, and it tugged at my heartstrings.

I needed to go apologize to my best friend, and quickly. I didn't want him ever going in that portal again. If he thinks I'm angry with him, he sure will.

I hastened my pace as soon as I was outside of the house, hoping Luke was still home. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it was going to beat right out of my chest.

My walk slowly faded into a jog, and from a jog to a run, and a run to a sprint.

Perspiration soon coated my forehead in a thin layer of droplets, and I could taste it in my mouth. Very salty.

I did have to pause a couple times on the way to his house to catch my breath though.

Once I was faced towards the ginger man's door, I slowly made my way in. The door let out a long creak.

"Luke! I am SO sorry! I shouldn't have-" I paused. "Luke?..are here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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