Chapter Three

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"Poets spend their entire lives trying to think of a better way to say 'He loved a girl'"


Vanessa's POV

I wake up the next morning around 11am. I check my phone and see a text from Wilbur.

Will- On the plane!!! See you at around 5pm <3

        I'll be there to pick you up!!! I'm so excited!!!!- Vanessa

I can't believe it. This is finally happening. I hadn't processed what was actually happening until right now. I'm about to see my best friend, and I'm going to convince my family we're dating. This is crazy.

I finally get out of bed and start my day. I have like, 6 hours till I have to go pick up Will. I figured I would actually eat breakfast this morning, since I have food now. I walk into the kitchen and start making toast and eggs. While that's cooking I put my coffee on. When all my food is done I walk into my freshly cleaned living room and I start eating while watching the office. Okay I know I'm basic in my show choices but they're good. I finish my food and wash all the dishes I have just dirtied. This is why I hate cooking.

I decide I should probably take a shower. I walk into my room and pick out a simple outfit, sweater and jeans, and I walk into the bathroom to start my shower. I decide to play music while I shower. Arctic monkeys was the music choice of the day.

After my shower I get dressed and start thinking what I'm gonna do to kill 4 hours. Maybe I should stream. Yeah, I'll stream. I walk into my room and turn on my computer. "Hello chat!!! How are you guys today?" I say, excited. "Today we're gonna do a little just chatting stream if that's alright." Chat started out pretty calm, but when I said we we're doing a just chatting stream, they changed. "CALL WILL!!!!" "CONTINUE STARDEW WITH WILL!!" "WAIT WHERES WILL?????" I start to get slightly annoyed. "Will won't be here chat, but I can call other people if you'd like." I really just want chat to stop talking about Will. "Let's call niki shall we?" Yeah, niki is a good choice. She's so nice. I message her first to make sure it's okay for me to call her on stream.  After she says it's fine, I call her on discord. "Hello Sage!" Niki says. "Hello! Niki! How are you doing today?" I ask, trying to start a conversation. We talk for a little while, answer some questions from fans, just had a good time until I've been streaming for about an hour and a half. "Alrighty niki, I think I'm gonna end stream here, I got an eventful day ahead of me." I tell Niki. "Okay, have a good day!" She responds. We hang up the call and I start saying goodbye to chat. "Oh I forgot to mention, I won't be able to stream for the next two weeks or so, I'm visiting family for the holidays. So this was my last stream for a bit." I tell chat. I knew they would be angry and upset so I tried not to look at chat. I say my goodbyes and end stream.

2 more hours, the airport is almost an hour from my apartment, so really I have more like an hour. I wander around my apartment wondering what to do for the next hour. I spot my flute case and my music stand in the corner of my room. I was planning on going to music school and going professional, but then I started streaming, and supporting myself that way. I pick up the case and start to put the flute together. I looked at the delicate keys of such an elegant instrument. I start by playing something simple. Some random warm ups I remember from high school. Then I go and look through my collection of pieces I gathered over the years. I find a random concert piece from high school. I think I was maybe a junior when we performed it? I set the piece on my stand and start to look over it to refresh my memory. I lift the flute up to my mouth and begin to play. I move my fingers meticulously across the keys as soft flowing sounds come out of the flute. As the piece came to an end, I feel the satisfying feeling of playing a piece really well. I'd forgotten how good it felt to play. After that I continue to play various pieces I can find in a collection of flute music. This is the best I've felt in awhile.

After about 30 minutes of playing, I put my flute delicately back in the case and put everything back in the corner I found it in. I look at the time and realize I have about 30 minutes before I have to leave. I decide to go ahead and do my makeup. I walk into my bathroom and start thinking about how I want to do my makeup. I know it shouldn't take me 30 minutes to do my makeup, but I take forever to decide what I want to do and then when I decide I always redo and redo everything so it's perfect. This has caused me to be late for a number of events, but I refuse to be late for this. I figured I would do something simple today, since I'm only going to pick up Will. Light concealer, maybe some natural eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara. I start doing my makeup and it goes pretty smoothly until the eyeliner. I'll do one eye, decide I like how it looks, then try to do the other eye and it doesn't look the same. So I have to redo both eyes and this happens about four different times until finally, I like how it looks. By this point I have taken about 25 minutes to do this, so it's basically time to go now. I put on my shoes and grab my phone, keys, and a bottle of water considering I have a feeling I'm gonna be waiting a while. I head out the door and start walking to my car. I try not to engage with anyone on the way, as always. I finally get to my car and I start my hour journey to the airport.

When I get there, it's packed with people walking in and out. It's crazy. I don't fly that often so I'm not really used to airports, but I'm sure everything will be fine, right? I park and step out of the car. I check my texts with will to make sure I go to the right terminal. I told Will to call me when he landed so I would know roughly when I would see him. After a walk that felt like it took forever, I finally get to the right terminal. Will hasn't called me yet, so I find a nearby restaurant and order food while I wait. I sit there eating and wonder what's taking so long. I arrived like 30 minutes late, and I've already been here for like 15 minutes. I decide not to worry and start scrolling through Instagram while I wait. I stumble upon a post Will made before he left. It's a picture of him staring at the camera with the caption, "going on a trip for a while bois, so you won't see many streams from me for a bit. :)))))) me time thingz, yah know?" I smile at my phone. I don't know what but something about the whole thing seems so cute to me. Shit, do I like him? I think I might like him. After I finish my food, my phone starts to ring. It's Will. I answer the call. "Helllllo!!!!!!!!" I say, excited to see my boy. "Hey!!! I just landed, so, yeah! I can't wait to see you!!!" He exclaims, almost as if he couldn't hold back how excited he was. "Alrighty!!!! I'll be ready to pick you up! Can't wait!" I reply. We say our goodbyes and I start making my way back over by the terminal. I stand there for about 20 minutes, which is way more than I thought I would be standing here, until I finally see him. The tall boy I'll be standing my time with for the next two weeks or so. He's finally here. When he sees me he starts walking faster in my direction. He has three bags and his guitar case. I start walking towards him as well. We meet, and he sets down his bags and pulls me into a hug. A very tight one at that. I hug him back. "I'm so happy to finally see you!" He says, sounding like he's about to cry out of pure joy. "I'm happy to see you too!" I reply. We stand there just hugging for a minute or so, until he decides it's probably time for us to leave. He pulls away and picks up his bags. "Let's head to your apartment, shall we?" He says as we start to walk out of the airport. This is one of the best days of my life. We finally get out of the airport and start walking to my car. Will puts his stuff in the trunk and we hop in the car. Before I pull out of the parking lot, Will turns to me and says, "I can't express how happy I am to be here with you now."


Authors note:

Yuuuuuhhhh! This chapter was really fun to write and at this point in the story is when this starts to get reeeeeally cute. We have a lot of fun things to write in the next few chapters. So, yuh, we hope you guys are enjoying this fic so far!


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