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Advice Request
This person's friend may like them, but the feeling is not reciprocated.

Answered Response
From what you said, it certainly sounds like he's romantically interested. I understand how that puts you in an uncomfortable position though, given your strictly platonic interest. I wouldn't put too much stress on it. Ultimately, you are not in control, and nor are you responsible for his feelings. If you don't like him like that, you don't like him like that. Don't guilt yourself for not reciprocating the feeling, or for making him sad that you don't like him.

So, how to respond if he does ask you out? Unfortunately, there's not one great response to smooth things over painlessly. The best thing to do is be honest with him. Tell him that you see him as a friend, and you don't like him that way. You are in no way obligated to explain yourself, or give any sort of details. When it comes down to it, you just don't like him like that. Once you express your feelings, the ball is officially out of your court and in his. He's going to handle it how he's going to handle it. I would suggest that you give him space to process his emotions if he needs it, but try not to be awkward around him. It could be hard, but even if he likes you and you don't, he's still your friend until one or both of you decides otherwise.

I hope this help, love, I'm sorry I couldn't give a more direct response. Thank you for coming back to us, and feel free to do so again for more advice any time!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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