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Advice Request
This person is shaken after they found something belonging to their parents.

Answered Submission

I'm sure for anyone, of any age, finding something like that owned by their parents is pretty shocking although we do have to think about it like this.

Sure your parents are well into their 40s (as you said), but they still clearly are into each other at their age which nowadays is rather rare. Finding this as their child is confusing because you see your parents as one thing, your parents, but you've got to think about the fact they are still in a relationship.

Keeping a relationship can be hard, especially at their age, so the fact that they're still keeping it alive, despite what they're using to do so, is a good thing.

My advice to you is definitely don't bring that up, or at least don't until you are more comfortable with the idea of it all considering you still seem pretty shaken about the whole thing.

I hope this helps and you're feeling better about it all!

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