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Advice Request
This person wants to know how to win their parents' trust back.

Answered Submission

I'm sorry to hear about your stuff getting taken away again. I know it sucks, but ultimately you have to accept that this is a consequence of your actions. You knew what you were doing and what would happen if you were caught, and yet you made the conscious choice to do it anyways. I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear, but you need to understand that it's the truth. You got yourself here, and now you have to deal with the repercussions.

As for making things right, the only advice I can offer you is to accept responsibility, and do your best to learn from your mistakes. Take this time to really think. Why did you choose to do the same thing twice despite knowing you would get in trouble? What can you learn from this? Think of your parents as well. They love you more than anything, and you really hurt them. You went behind their backs and broke their trust--trust which they had just given back to you. Imagine how they're feeling right now?

Here's the deal, hun. You messed up big time. There's no point in sugar coating it. You did something you knew would get you in trouble, and now you're stuck in the aftermath. It sucks, and it's hard, and it feels like the world is falling down around you, right? I get it. Really, I do. We all make mistakes, especially when we're young. It's those mistakes that teach us and help build us into better people. The road of life is not an easy one, but these mistakes will make you better for it. You just have to let them. Be willing to accept responsibility for your actions and the consequences that come as a result. Don't let yourself make the same mistakes in the future.

And yeah, for now, I bet your home life sucks. Eventually things will cool down between you and your parents. You just have to show them that you can be trusted again, and put in the effort to repair your relationship. I'd start by giving them, and yourself, some time to process your actions. Then, when things are a little more calm, sit them down and have a good heart to heart. Apologize for hurting them and breaking their trust. Just make sure you are sincere, and not just feeling sorry for yourself. Sincerity and self-pity are easily distinguishable, and the latter will only serve to make things worse. I hope this helps, hun.

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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