ch.6 - BURN

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heather; chapter six


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Despite the warm afternoon, Mina couldn't help but shiver a little at the iciness of the potions classroom. It was at the very bottom of the castle, amidst the dungeons, so the only windows were small and at the top of the cold stone walls.

This classroom always creeped her out with the pickled animals floating in glass jars all around the walls, and the way that professor Snape sat at his desk like a bat in a cave. She remembered having nightmares of the potions rooms in her first year as a small, impressionable Hufflepuff, and although Mina had long outgrown those scary dreams by now, she still found the dungeon halls too eerie to walk in alone.

Aside from this, and the fact that Heather and her shiny blonde hair was just across the room, Mina was in a good mood knowing the Hufflepuff's and Gryffindor's shared this class. It was the only class she had with Harry this year, and as she eyed the broadness of his shoulders from the desk behind him, she almost didn't realise Snape had entered the classroom until the door slammed shut and his familiar monotone voice filled the silence.

Initially, Mina drowned out his meant-to-be-intimidating introduction to the course, until some of his words caught her attention.

"This year we will have a seating plan," he drawled on from the front of the classroom, and Mina traded disappointed glances with Ella who was sitting beside her. Groans emitted from mainly the Gryffindors in the classroom, but given that it wasn't a big class, and that she had Ella, Josiah, Harry, Ron and Hermione in the same class, Mina figured the odds would be okay for her.

"When I call out your names, take your books, find a desk, and sit together. No swapping, no complaining. We have even numbers from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, so expect someone from the other house," he said, and although disappointed that this ruled out Ella or Josiah being her partner, Mina was content knowing that Heather wouldn't be seated next to Harry.

"Ella Freeman and Hermione Granger..." Snape read from the class list, and the two girls suppressed their smiles as they gathered their things so he wouldn't change his mind. After a minute or so of anticipation for when her name would be called, seeing over half the class had already transferred their books to new desks, Mina was starting to think she'd never get a new partner

"...Ronald Weasley and Zacharias Smith..."

"...Josiah Hoffman and Potter..."

She felt her heart drop.

"...Mina Lee and Heather Thompson..."

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