ch.19 - GLITTER

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Mina huddled closer to Charlie in the Ravenclaw stands, pulling her jacket closer. Her face was numb against the icy wind gusting across the Quidditch pitch. Mina watched as Charlie watched the game intently, eyeing his animated reactions and facial expressions.

She lost track of the game from this—too busy thinking about Charlie's arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side, to pay attention to the pitch.

Of course, it was normal for Mina to get sidetracked during Quidditch. The only reason she used to go to the school games was because of a certain Gryffindor seeker, except now he wasn't the reason for her distraction. Mina didn't even know where he was on the cloudy pitch.

Only as roaring cheers erupted from the Gryffindor stands, and Charlie groaned beside her, did Mina look at the pitch to see Harry with the golden snitch in his hand. He flew down to the muddy pitch, meeting the rest of his cheering team as the Gryffindor students flooded onto the field. Her eyes were drawn back to Charlie as he nudged her side.

"Wanna sneak into the kitchens for hot chocolate?" he said in her ear, and she grinned.

"Let's go."

. . . . .

"...and I'm bi so I said yes to the date, but it never ended up happening. A week later I hadn't called him back, and then he was all like, 'we shouldn't be together anymore, this relationship is completely stagnant.' and I was like, 'wait, we're in a relationship?'"

Mina dissolved into laughter that echoed through the hall.

"I literally had to look up later what stagnant means," he added, laughing as Mina half-choked on her sip of hot chocolate in another fit of laughter. "And then I was like, 'you never asked to be my boyfriend', and he's like 'well when a guy says yes to a date that practically means we're together', and I'm like—" he took a breath, laughing too hard to talk properly. "no the fuck it doesn't, Chris!"

Stomach hurting from laughter, Mina grabbed his arm for balance. She was still catching her breath as they rounded a corner and almost knocked into Harry and—surprise, surprise— Heather, hand in hand, also laughing amongst themselves at something. The former had changed out of his Quidditch gear, but the same couldn't be said about Heather, who still wore his sweater.

"Hey," Charlie greeted them breathlessly, straightening up. "Good job today, man. Nearly got ya," he said to Harry. Ravenclaw had only missed out on the win by a scathing 10 points after Harry caught the snitch.

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