ch.13 - IT'S A DATE

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──────────────'IT'S A DATE' ──────────────

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Absently stroking Tabby's fur as she slept in her lap, Mina was sitting in an armchair by the common room's fireplace, invested in a hardcover book she'd already read twice.

"Ready to go, Mina Mouse?" Josiah's voice met her ears. Looking up, she saw him and Ella bundled up in coats and beanies with tote bags slung over their shoulders. "Hogsmeade awaits us!"

"You guys go ahead," she said, pulling the blanket over her legs closer. "I think I'll sit this one out."

"But it's the first trip of the year!" He half sat on the arm of her chair. "Everyone goes on the first trip. You're usually the one dragging us to Hogsmeade every weekend."

"I know, but...I don't know," Mina shrugged half-heartedly. "I'm just not feeling it today."

Ella eyed her sceptically. "This isn't because you don't want to see Harry with Heather, is it?"

"No," Mina lied, and lowered her voice to a mumble as the two gave her disbelieving looks. She sunk in her seat a little. "...Maybe."

"You can't let Harry dating someone else spoil all your fun, Mins," Josiah said softly, and leaned down to pat Tabby. Hufflepuff students of differing year levels filtered out of the common room with loud, excited chatter. Her heart felt heavy as she watched them—and this showed on her face, apparently.

"C'mon, you're coming with us, and you're gonna have fun," Ella spoke, taking the book from Mina's hold and tucking it under her arm.


"Uh-uh, no buts," she said as Josiah picked up Tabby from Mina's lap; making kissy sounds to the cat as he held her to his chest, rocking her side to side like a baby. "Get into something warm and meet us down here in five, okay?"

Mina made to protest again, crossing her arms stubbornly, but Ella cut her off. "I'll buy you your favourite red sweets at Honeyduke's..."

"...the raspberry ones?"


"...okay, then," Mina uncrossed her arms, a smile forming on her face. She quickly stood and made for her dormitory; Ella cheering inwardly to herself and Josiah dropping Tabby onto the chair as she growled.

. . . . .

It wasn't cold enough to snow, but the chilly breeze made Mina's cheeks and nose flush a faint pink as she adjusted her thick woollen scarf.

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