9. The unexpected

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Two days later, and I was still sick

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Two days later, and I was still sick. Is it possible that hangovers can last this long? I had barely come out of my room. Lisa and Winter were getting ready to leave the summer house and return to the city for good. I could hear them slowly packing their belongings. It was still unclear when they would take off.

I had no desire to face her or even say goodbye because I was still mad at her suggestion that we schedule our stays at the house for next summer. She hadn't even bothered to come check on me. When Winter came in, I'd thank her but tell her to stay away from me so she didn't get sick before her return to Broadway.

I prefered not having to talk to them again before they left, but I was beginning to realise that I needed to leave my room long enough to see the doctor.

Today had to be my lucky day because they'd left the house together just long enough for me to wash up and sneak out without having to confront them.

When I arrived at the clinic, I had to wait for about a half-hour before being seen. I couldn't go to Newport Hospital's emergency room because the last thing I needed was to be seen by Will Danger. So I took a detour to find this small walk-in clinic.

A nurse eventually called me. "Miss Park?"

I followed her down the winding corridors into a cold, small examination room, where she made me wait for another fifteen minutes or so. When the doctor arrived, I explained all of my symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

I told her I'd been feeling sick on and off all summer and admitted to drinking heavily the day before, but they ruled out alcohol poisoning. I also listed Lisa's illness in case it had anything to do with it.

When I admitted that I hadn't seen a doctor in over two years, she insisted on running some tests to make sure everything was fine with me. She directed me to the lab, where a phlebotomist took blood from my arm. I also peed in a cup. This was becoming far too complicated.

The blood test results would be back in a few days. I was about to leave the office when the doctor noticed me in the waiting room. "Miss Park?"


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