13. The havoc

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Every evening when the door opened, I cringed, wondering if that was the night she finally brought a woman home with him

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Every evening when the door opened, I cringed, wondering if that was the night she finally brought a woman home with him. I continued to brace myself for it. Lisa was an extremely sexual person. Win was always referring to her insatiable appetite. That always made me want to throw up.

She wasn't going to be celibate indefinitely.
It wasn't a matter of if she brought someone home; it was a matter of when. But each time she walked in alone, it was a bigger relief than the last. With each passing day, I wondered how much longer this peaceful camaraderie between us would last.

Bea was growing bigger by the day. She was finally dozing off. That meant being extremely cautious when changing her diaper because she could easily fall off the table. It was much easier for me to leave the house now that I was pumping milk. Lisa would watch Bea for short periods of time while I ran errands. Around her, I referred to her as Aunt Lisa.

She appeared to be happy with that. It was a safe title, and it was clear that I didn't expect her to play a larger role in Bea's life. She'd probably always be Aunt Lisa to her. I vowed to myself that I would learn to accept it.

The best part of my day remained mornings when Lisa and I sat in the kitchen with Bea and drank coffee together. However, the strangeo was still using my pumped milk as a cream replacement. At first, I assumed she was doing it for the sake of fun, but as time passed, it became clear that she truly enjoyed the taste.

"You think that's completely normal?" I asked as she poured some from a bottle into her coffee.

"I'd prefer to drink from you than from some random cow. Consider this...you're the one who gave up eating meat after having a similar epiphany."

"Alright, but you do realise that the average person would find your drinking breast milk very strange."

"No. It would be strange if I stood in line while you fed her and asked to go next."

That made me laugh out loud. "That's true, but what happens when you start dating someone? You think she'll let you drink another woman's breast milk? Or even something you've had in the past?"

"I'll deal with it when I have to."

It felt like a good opportunity to pry. "So you're not seeing anyone?"

She looked at me from over her mug, her eyes amused. "I'm pretty sure you know the answer, Roseanne. If I'm not here, then I'm at Starlight's, and then I come home. When am I even have the time to see someone?"

"I understand. I guess I'm just confused."

She slammed the ceramic mug onto the granite counter. "Okay. Please explain why you're confused."

"You're obviously very attractive. On top of that, you're a musician. Women are literally throwing themselves at you. It's been a month since you ended your relationship with Winter. I'm expecting you to come in with someone. That's it."

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