🌻A travel to the past²

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Sunoo sadly stared at the screen of his computer. He just finished answering the final exam for sixth grader and some thoughts are eating up his mind.

Last week, he was rushed into the hospital for some minor problems. He couldn't attend the school and the lessons were sent online.

He was too bored to study alone, without Jungwon to be with him on lunch.

Sunghoon is already a freshman in highschool and couldn't be with him either. They misses his two friends so much.

Next school year, Sunoo will be in highschool as well with Sunghoon. But then, Jungwon will be left all alone in elementary.

Sunoo sighed.

He hated times like this where he felt imprisoned. It's been a week, he could feel himself being healthy and energized, but his parents still refused to let him go outside.

He already finished the stack of mint chocolates on his drawer, the hidden chips under his bed were already consumed. He's also tired of flushing the vegetables on his toilet.

He hated healthy foods, but he wanted to live a healthy life.

Sunoo flinched as he heard a soft knock on his door. Seconds later, the door pushed wide opened, revealing his dad.

“You have visitors outside, Sunoo,” the man said smiling at him.

“Who?” Sunoo asked.

He wasn't buying the happy smile of his Dad. Last week, he told him he had visitors too. Sunoo excitedly greeted the visitor thinking they were Jungwon and Sunghoon, only to be greeted by a stretcher and two nurses.

“Your friends,” his Dad said.

“No jokes?” Sunoo needed to make sure he isn't falling for another trap.

Just as then Sunoo heard loud voices down the stairs.

“Sunoo-ssi, come down already!”

It's Sunghoon's voice.

Sunoo quickly stood up from his seat and push past his father.

“Careful, sunshine,” the man reminded him as he followed suite behind Sunoo.

Sunoo embraces his two friend as tight as he could, three boys falling down the carpeted floor, laughing together.

Seconds later, he notices two bags sitting on the corner of the couch.

“Are we having a sleep over?” Sunoo excitedly asked.

“No, dummy. We're actually leaving right now,” Sunghoon jokingly said before ruffling Sunoo's hair.

“Don't mind Sunghoon-hyung, we will be having a movie night and we're not sleeping until the sun rises,” Jungwon excitedly says.

“Yah, sleep is important!" Sunghoon objected.

“Then sleep, I and Jungwon will watch,” Sunoo sassily says as he got up with the help of Jungwon.

“Right,” Jungwon agrees, “Please bring my bag up the stairs with you.”

Sunoo made faces to tease Sunghoon more before he rush up the stairs with Jungwon.

Sunghoon only sighs in defeat.

Hours later, the three snores together on the bed with Sunoo in the middle. While the television plays an episode of One Piece.


Sunghoon doesn't know what to do.

The competition will start on the next few minutes but he still couldn't see his boyfriend on the audience.

He already spotted his family, but there's still no sign of Sunoo and Jungwon.

He couldn't help but feel nervous and worried. He knew that Sunoo was not feeling well the fast few days after their monthsary, and he couldn't even visit him.

What if something happened to Sunoo?

Sunghoon shook his head to take the thoughts away.

This competition is important, he can worry about Sunoo later. For now, focus on the competetion.

Finally, after the two hours of worrying and over-thinking, the competetion ended. Sunghoon got the second place.

There was still no sign of Sunoo in the crowd.

“Mom, where's Sunoo?” Sunghoon asked as soon as he reached them.

“They're outside, Sunghoon. Congratulations!”

Sunghoon didn't bother to reply back as he ran off the venue to find Sunoo.

Outside the venue, an ambulance was parked. Jungwon was standing outside, beside a wheel chair where Sunoo sat.

“Sunoo,” Sunghoon approaches the two.

Sunoo immediately got up to hug his boyfriend, tears already brimming off his eyes.

“I'm sorry, I couldn't watch,” Sunoo cried.

Sunghoon patted his back comfortingly, “It's okay, don't cry. I've got the second place,” Sunghoon said.

Sunoo buried his face on Sunghoon's chest as he continued crying.

“How are you feeling, though? What happened? Why are you still in IV?” Sunghoon asked worriedly.

“Nothing serious,” Jungwon answered, “He's discharge earlier and is heading home now. We only stopped by to see you.”

“Sunoo-ah,” Sunghoon's mother called from behind them.

Sunoo wiped his tears away to greet his boyfriend's parents.

“I've recorded the whole game for you,” Sunghoon's mom said, handing him the camera.

“Thank you,” Sunoo replied politely.

“Are you already going home?” Sunghoon's father asked, seeing the ambulance behind them.

Sunoo nodded his head.

“Didn't you hate ambulance? Come on, I'll take you home with the car,” Sunghoon's dad suggested.

The man then turned to talk to the ambulance's driver and to sign in Sunoo's delivery paper.

Since Sunoo's parents were rarely home, Sunghoon's parents stood like his second parent. They even supported their relationship without a doubt.

~Never did Sunoo imagined he will lose both Sunghoon and his second-like family.


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