🌻Sunghoon's Letter¹

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This isn't the last chapter. It'll be uploaded in a while, don't worry. Thank you for reading up until here.


Seonwoo started opening the letter in his hands, suddenly re-living the pain of the past.

Sunghoon's beautiful handwriting greeted Seonwoo, and reading only the first sentence made him cry.


Sunoo, love.

If you're reading this, I'll be glad. It means that my sacrifice didn't come to a waste.

How are you?

Remember that night you told me you wanted to know what the future holds? I promised you I will show you the future, that you will experience it. I told you that you will be very happy and you will pass all the hardships you will encounter.

I'm keeping my promise...I'm showing you the future. You will experience it and you'll be very happy.

Don't think that I left you. You have my heart. I'll carry all your sadness and it will be with you to the future you have. We will cry together and laugh together.

It might be hard at first, but I don't want you to hold back. I don't want you to be imprisoned on your past. I want you to move on, love.

Go on with your life. Go back to school, have lunch with Jungwon and meet many other people. Make friends with everyone else. And don't forget to keep yourself healthy.

I wouldn't be there to remind you about your dream fitness. You can eat your mint chocolates as much as you like but please don't be lazy to attend your gyms. Play video games as much as you want but remember to sleep eight hours a day, or you will get lots of pimples.

Listen to your class lessons and score high on your quizzes.

But if you can't do it all, it's okay. I love you, however you present yourself.

The only thing I want you to promise is to keep yourself happy.

I don't care if you find another love, as long as you're happy.

Do not feel guilty about me. Remember, you have my heart. If you like someone and my heart beats like crazy, I approve of it.

I love you, and I will always love you. However, today, I'm officially breaking up with you.

Goodbye, Sunoo.

Park Sunghoon.


Seonwoo couldn't keep the noise hidden anymore. He sobs loudly as he hugged the paper close to his heart.

It was aching so bad, Seonwoo just wanted to cry. Cry until he ran out of tears. Cry until the pain ends.

He remembered the day he woke up inside the hospital, weeks after his surgery. The first person he looked for was Sunghoon.

They told him he was busy and doesn't have the time to visit.

Seonwoo believed them at first. But then he started having doubtful thoughts. It's been a month but he still haven't seen Sunghoon.

His social media were all deleted, his phone number is dead. There was no traces of him.

Seonwoo started seeing the weird gestures of his bestfriend whenever he lies about Sunghoon. Jungwon wasn't a best actor, even.

Until finally, Seonwoo's Mom gave him an envelope filled with documents. The documents had Sunghoon's signature in it. Seonwoo spent the whole twenty-minutes trying to understand what's written in there.

They explained it to him.

Sunghoon donated his liver to an old man, he donated his eyes to a blind child, his lungs to an old woman.

Lastly, he donated his heart to Seonwoo.

Seonwoo couldn't believe it that time. He spent sleepless nights and tired himself by crying.

When he was finally discharged, Jungwon brought him to Sunghoon's parent's grave. However, one graveyard was added beside it, with the name of Sunghoon written delicately in it.

Seonwoo was not ready to accept everything. He decided to take a rest from school to think and meditate.

He hoped that everything was just a dream. He hoped that when he wake up, one day, Sunghoon will be back.

Seonwoo couldn't open the letter because it would just make everything more real. It would just re-live the pain and loss he felt before. He was not ready to face the reality.

Until one Nishimura Riki appeared in his life. A person that was a total opposite of Sunghoon.

Everything started to feel less painful, fresh and free. The memories of Sunghoon started fading off his dreams, changing it to Ni-ki's face.

Guilt started eating Seonwoo. The thoughts of ‘what if Sunghoon comes back’ started scaring him. He felt like being at fault for being attached to Ni-ki.

He cannot remember the exact time when he started treasuring every moments with Ni-ki, it just felt real, fresh and nice. But then the withered sunflowers on his desk reminded him that he had Sunghoon.

His first love.

The selfless person who donated his heart for him, just so he could see the future ahead of him. Sunghoon sacrificed his own future. Somehow, Seonwoo felt like he didn't deserved to be happy.

He didn't deserved to find happiness in someone who isn't Sunghoon.

Reading Sunghoon's letter relieved the pool of guilty he was currently drowning himself in. He remembered all those moments that his heart beats fast when he was with Ni-ki.

Sunghoon approved of it. Sunghoon's heart...like Ni-ki as well.

The happiness Seonwoo felt becomes too strong that his heart ached too much. It was in the same moment he accepted the fact that Sunghoon would never come back.

Ah, right...and Seonwoo likes Ni-ki.


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