Top Ten Faces I wanna Punch

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Top ten faces I wanna punch

10. That dumb wolf who keeps trying to overthrow my Jungle; It's MY jungle, I am the king.

9. You;

8. Nathaniel Hawthorn; For making the Scarlett letter. Seriously I had to read that shit for school.

7. Rick Sanchez; He's very mean.

6. The reddit mod who banned me from r/nintendo; They took down the post I made about how we need to boycott Nintendo because they disrespected Etika, stopped a fundraiser for mental health research and didn't even give any money to the cause. When I confronted the mod about it, they banned me despite me being civil as fuck.

5. Christine Weston Chandler; She raped her mom and said it was okay cuz she's Jesus. Not only is she not Jesus but even if she was I'd still wanna punch her cuz she fucked her mom.

4. Mark Feely; I had a phase where I desperately wanted to be in the FBI just so I could beat this guy to the ground. Fuck pedos, especially this one.

3. Aimee night; also a pedo

2. Adolf Hitler; If you don't know what I mean you are either uneducated or fascist.

1. Sprout Cloverleaf; His whole face screams racist Trump wannabe.

0. Star Butterfly; When will she wipe that stupid smile off her face and have some remorse for all the people she's killed?

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