Chapter 19: Revenge of Qin Tianyue 4

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Qin Tianyue ignored the incredulous gazes of Liu Feizi and the others, stretched out his hand and broke the **** in his hand directly, and threw it aside at will.

Liu Feizi, who was still a little arrogant, was shocked and speechless. The woman who came from here broke the **** with one hand at will.

Liu Feizi's feet trembled in fear, one of them knelt on the ground unsteadily, and the other two people were also afraid to move. They were not Qin Tianyue's opponents at all. If she provokes her hair, will they be treated like that hoe? Break it off.

"Spare, spare!"

Liu Feizi knelt on the ground and cried, hoping that Qin Tianyue would forgive him.

The other two people had the same expressions, and they also prayed.

Qin Tianyue stood on the spot, with an aura like a rainbow, and the shocked three people trembled.

"Forgive? Do you think I will forgive you? My father was insulted by you, and I, Qin Tianyue, will never let it go!"

The pure and beautiful voice is loud and loud, like the most intimidating emperor.

"Qin...Qin Tianyue?!"

Liu Feizi raised his head in disbelief. He seemed to have heard the name of Qin Tianyue. This is not the only Huanshan Village admitted to the Capital University and the daughter-in-law the Niu family wants to marry. It is also the daughter of Qin Jian'an they bullied this time. NS?

Isn't it that Qin Tianyue is just an ordinary high school student? How could it be, how could it be so powerful? Where is this high school student, is this a devil at all?

Qin Tianyue looked at the three Liu Feizi with cold eyes, and the other two suddenly changed their faces when they heard Qin Tianyue's name. They also seemed to be unable to believe that the girl in front of him who was indistinguishable from the devil was actually Qin Tianyue.

She absolutely does not allow anyone to bully Qin Jian'an. She was incapable in her previous life. In this life, she is bound to protect her father. She will never let this group of people go.

Liu Feizi's fierce eyes flashed, and Qin Tianyue must have known that they had bullied Qin Jian'an when she came here, but how did she know?

"What are you...what are you going to do?"

Liu Feizi asked with a trembling voice, "Your father, we didn't mean it. Someone gave us money to let us do it. As long as you let us go, we will tell you who you are?"

"Yes, yes, you let us go, we will tell you who the **** is? That talent is behind the scenes."

"You let us go, let us go!"

The three of them rushed to say, even with a slight threat, as if Qin Tianyue didn't let them go, they would not tell her who was behind the scenes.

Qin Tianyue flicked a satirical light under his eyes, and took a step forward, "I already know who is behind the scenes!"

The moment she stood in the yard, she had already heard that it was the group of Niu family, what a Niu family, she would not let it go either.


Liu Feizi gritted his teeth fiercely and looked at Qin Tianyue fiercely, "Since you don't want to let us go, we won't be polite. Let's go together, I don't believe I can't deal with her."

Liu Feizi yelled, and ferociously stood up and rushed towards Qin Tianyue. The other two also stood up from the ground and ran towards Qin Tianyue.

The three of them were surrounded. Liu Xiaozi didn't know when he was holding the broken beer bottle in his hand. He wanted to stab Qin Tianyue with a beer bottle while his own people attacked Qin Tianyue and grab her.

Liu Feizi had such a good idea, but it was a pity that he was destined to fail.

The two behind Qin Tianyue slammed their fists towards Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue's waist showed a weird softness. He grabbed the two with his backhand, kicked them with his feet, directly broke the hands of the two, and stretched out his hand to fold the jaws of the two. , And then when the two of them didn't pay attention, they each stuffed a medicine, which she specially refined for several people, and it was poison.

There are not only prescriptions for treating people in the medicine doctor, but also poison. This poison can make people dumb and burn them in the throat every day.

She doesn't think she is too much to these three people, she has always been people who don’t offend me and I don’t, but these three people bully her stupid father, she will never let it go, but these three people are dumb and let them suffer the burn. Feeling, she has been very merciful.

Throwing away the two of them, Qin Tianyue felt the beer bottle pierced by Liu Feizi behind him. He drew sideways and moved behind Liu Feizi at a strange speed. Leizi kicked to the wall and stuck it against the wall, Qin Tianyue's right foot pressed Liu Lezi against the wall, and the crystal clear and deep beautiful eyes shot at Liu Lezi coldly.

Liu Feizi didn't dare to resist at all. He looked at the two Hupengou friends not far away. The two of them had their hands broken and they were struggling on the ground constantly. There was a painful neighing sound in their throats, but they couldn't speak.

"What the **** did you do?"

Liu Feizi shouted in fear, and Qin Tianyue coldly curled his lips, "You'll know in a moment!"

She clasped Liu Feizi's hands at a very fast speed, and after severely breaking it, she removed Liu Feizi's jaw and injected a poison in the same way.

Liu Feizi wanted to pick out the poison with his hands, but unfortunately his hands were broken and his jaw was removed again, and he could only let the poison melt in his throat weakly.

In the next moment, he felt his throat burned by fire, making him uncomfortable to roll over on the ground.

Qin Tianyue watched the three people rolling on the ground coldly, his eyes fell on Liu Feizi's body, those beautiful eyes flashed with golden light, and pictures appeared in his mind.

In the picture, Liu Feizi beat his old mother violently, and the old mother died with injuries all over her body.

Seeing this scene, Qin Tianyue only hated that he hadn't increased his strength to deal with Liu Feizi. Even if this kind of person was dead, he would be dead.

Omitting some pictures, Qin Tianyue saw Liu Feizi being called by a short man, asking him to call someone to help deal with Qin Jianan, and gave him three hundred yuan.

Qin Tianyue's eyes flashed with cold light, and once again kicked Liu Feizi who was rolling on the ground.

For three hundred yuan, but only three hundred yuan, she almost couldn't get up after beating her father.

Looking at the three people struggling on the ground again, Qin Tianyue turned and walked into the darkness, the moment his slender figure merged into the darkness, like a ghost from hell.

Qin Tianyue came to the house of the Niu family. The Niu family’s home is very wealthy in Liuxi Village. Many of the other families are thatched huts mixed with brick houses. Only the Niu family is a real brick house with a large area. The decoration is also pretty good.

I heard that it was the Niu family who married a good daughter. The daughter paid for the Niu family to build this relatively rich brick house in Liuxi Village.

The Niu family still has a large mountainous area in Liuxi Village, so they are really rich in Liuxi Village, and they can spend three hundred yuan just for beating people.

Isn't it rich? She let them know what it's like to lose money!

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