Chapter 481-500

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Seeing that Hua Ling couldn't get up at all, Qin Tianyue gritted her teeth. She really couldn't accept the position of the master of the genius doctor.

Qin Tianyue stood up straight and looked at Hualing who was still kneeling on the ground, "Sister Hualing, I will put this ring here for you, and I should leave."

After Qin Tianyue finished speaking, he turned around.

Valin's hoarse voice sounded behind him, "The master, I will kneel until you agree, and only you will be the master of my genius doctor!"

Valin said firmly, kneeling straight on the ground.

Qin Tianyue bit her lower lip tightly, and didn't dare to look back at Hualing, fearing that he would feel weak.

She still has many things to do on her own. The genius doctor is just an accident for her, and she can't let this accident become a major event in her life.

Qin Tianyue walked straight to the outside, Bai Chuxia glanced at Hua Ling who was still kneeling on the ground, and followed Qin Tianyue away.

Hua Ling raised her head and looked at Qin Tianyue's back. She still knelt on the ground without moving. She had to kneel down for the sake of the genius doctor. She firmly believed that Qin Tianyue would come back, and the person she liked must be correct.

Hua Xing is an exception, because he is sinister and vicious, with a deep heart, and hides all calculations in his stomach. Even when she has been with him for so many years, he doesn't know that he is actually a despicable villain.

This girl, at first glance, she knew that she was not an ordinary girl. Now that she has the ring of the master of the door given by the wife, she is even more convinced that she can make the genius doctor better.

Qin Tianyue and Bai Chuxia walked out of the alley, her brows furrowed, and Valin kneeling on the ground appeared in her mind.

She can't manage, absolutely can't.

The genius doctor is a very troublesome thing. If she gets involved, she will definitely not be able to get out of her body. She shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't!

Two men with cold expressions and Qin Tianyue and Bai Chuxia passed by.

Qin Tianyue stopped, and Bai Chuxia looked at her with wide eyes in confusion, as if asking why she stopped!

Qin Tianyue turned her head to look, and when she passed the two people, she clearly smelled the smell of medicine, that is to say, those two people can also be treated. Who are they? What are you doing here? Looking at the two people's looks cold, it doesn't seem like something is going on!

The two people stood at the mouth of the small alley, whispering something, their eyes flashed cold, and they had no good intentions.

"Is it inside?"

One of the taller men asked coldly.

The shorter man beside him nodded, "It should be, I didn't expect to hide under our noses for so long. It's worthy of Hualing. It's really amazing. We have been searching for so long and finally found it. It's time to explain to the sect master. "

"Yes, take her back, the sect master might be able to reward us with a lot of precious medicines, and we will send them out at that time."

The taller man said excitedly, and the shorter man nodded in agreement. They worked hard to catch Valin. They searched all over the world. Unexpectedly, she was hiding under her nose. Sure enough, it was the most dangerous. The place is the safest place.

"Go, let's go in!"

The shorter man spoke viciously. The taller man suddenly stopped him and looked in the direction of Qin Tianyue. He just noticed that the girl was looking at them and didn't pay attention when she passed by. Beautiful girl, when did such a beautiful girl come to town? Why don't they know?

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