Chapter 541-560

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Hua Zhenzhu was meditative, her gaze fell on the waiter who greeted the guests at the door, "Trying to find a way to get in, maybe we can pretend to be a waiter, it won't be easy to be spotted by Huaxing, and it will be easier to catch him then."

"Sister Pearl's proposal is good, but we have to plan carefully how we want to get in."

Huating nodded, agreeing with Hua Pearl’s statement.

Hua Zhenzhu looked at Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue in front of them had specially put on makeup today. She completely transformed herself into another person. The moment she walked out of the room, she almost didn't recognize it.

Hua Zhenzhu also asked Qin Tianyue why he did this?

Qin Tianyue smiled slightly, "I don't want to be famous!"

Hua Zhenzhu nodded, thinking that if Qin Tianyue's true face appeared at the banquet, it would definitely attract a lot of people's attention. That would be very unfavorable to their plans. Qin Tianyue now turned into another person, hiding her prosperous face, it seems Not very noticeable.

Qin Tianyue is still thoughtful, a woman in her thirties is actually not as thoughtful as Qin Tianyue, and she is really ashamed.

In fact, Qin Tianyue didn't just want to be famous, she just didn't want everyone to remember her, and another point was Lu Jingyi.

In the future, she will study in the capital. If everyone remembers her appearance now, it will be very detrimental to some things she will do in the future. So when she goes out, she put on makeup for herself, covering her face, and her face. Fortunately, it will not be remembered at first glance.

"Qianfan, you and I go in, Ating, Mingsheng, you stay outside, remember to pay attention to the people you are going with, if we fail to let Huaxing escape inside, you must catch him outside, and you must not let him Do you know if he escaped?"

Hua Zhenzhu spoke solemnly, not afraid of 10,000, just in case, she must block all the way back to Huaxing.

"Yes, Sister Pearl, we know."

"Sister Pearl, we will definitely not let Huaxing escape."

Huating and Hua Mingsheng replied firmly that they must hold Huaxing. If he is allowed to escape, everyone in the genius doctor will not be well in the future, so this time, they must succeed and absolutely cannot fail.

Hua Zhenzhu nodded and smiled at the two of them, "Do you also have to pay attention to it?"

"Yes, don't worry, Sister Pearl."

Hua Qianfan looked not far away, constantly looking at the people who came and went, secretly lamenting the life of the upper class in his heart, and contemptuously that disgusting people like Huaxing wanted to climb into the top five giants.

"Sister Pearl, you and Qianfan go in. I will find a way to get inside. Huaxing doesn't know me, so I can approach him with integrity."

Qin Tianyue retracted his gaze to look outside. At this time, the sky had begun to dim, and more and more luxury cars stopped outside the Lu family mansion.

"...Tianyue, I'm afraid it's not easy to enter here."

Hua Zhenzhu was a little worried. She was afraid that Qin Tianyue would not be able to enter the Lu residence. The Lu family was not an ordinary wealthy family and could easily get in. There were countless security guards here, and she was afraid that Qin Tianyue would not be able to enter.

Qin Tianyue curled her lips slightly, and his eyes fell on a luxury car slowly approaching. People familiar with it in the luxury car made her smile.

"No, I can go in. I saw a few acquaintances and they can take me in."

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