Chapter 381-400

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The ink on the other side of the phone deepens with deep phoenix eyes, and his slender fingers outline Qin Tianyue's face on the phone screen, his thin lips with a slight smile.

Sleeping Qin Tianyue has a soft and delicate face, and her lips are rosy, making people want to kiss him.

"Good night, Yueer!"

I don't know how long I watched it. Mo Yishen reluctantly turned off the phone. He still couldn't sleep, and there were a lot of things to do, and he walked toward the study.

Mo Yan knocked on the door to get Mo Yishen's permission to enter the study.

"Master Mo!"

"What's up?"

Mo Yishen raised his head from the computer and glanced at Mo Yan faintly.

Mo Yan bowed his head respectfully, "Master Mo, Madam and Grandpa told you to go back."

Last time he returned to the capital to tell his wife and the old man that the poison of Lord Mo had been cured. The two were very happy and asked him to tell Lord Mo that he should go back and shouldn't stay in such a small place.

"I see!"

Mo Yi nodded faintly, his expression flat, without any waves.

Mo Yan did not dare to say anything, so he had to leave the study.

When Qin Tianyue woke up, the first time she went to look at her phone, she lay back on the bed again when she saw that the phone was black, and she didn't know how long Mo Yishen looked at herself last night. She also fell asleep in confusion last night. , Will he see her ugly asleep, and then be laughed at by him.

Without thinking any longer, Qin Tianyue quickly got up from the bed.

After breakfast, Qin Tianyue's cell phone rang, and she glanced at the caller ID, which was an unfamiliar phone number.

Bai Chuxia sat next to Qin Tianyue, looking at her.


Qin Tianyue answered the phone, and Lu Kunyu's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Tianyue, it's me Lu Kunyu!"

"Captain Lu, do you have anything to do so early?"

Qin Tianyue asked suspiciously, now it's only around eight o'clock, why is Lu Kunyu calling her so early? When did he save her phone number?

"Tianyue, something happened, I know it's wrong to trouble you, but this time it's very wrong, we can only find you, I'm downstairs in your apartment now, I hope you can help us again."

Lu Kunyu’s voice was a bit tired. After bringing Fang Zhen back to the police station last night, he asked people to check about Fang Zhen again, wanting to know who he was in his mouth, and the so-called other two people. Who the **** is it?

As a result, a lot of things were found out, and in Fang Zhen's intermittent explanations, he also learned a lot of dirty things about them.

Fang Zhen once had three worship brothers, namely Wang Yin, Li Xu, and Feng Chenyi.

Fang Zhen said that he came to retaliate, referring to Feng Chenyi.

Feng Chenyi asked Fang Zhen for help at the beginning of a business problem. Not only did the three of them not help, they fell into trouble. Fang Zhen bought Feng Chenyi’s company, ignoring Feng Chenyi’s prayers and being driven out, Feng Chenyi owed a large debt. His wife was pushed to death by the debtor, and Feng Chenyi was also disfigured by the sulfuric acid.

After that, Feng Chenyi left harsh words to Fang Zhen and the three people, and would come back to take revenge, and they would pay the price.

The three of them lived an easy life these years, and had long forgotten what Feng Chenyi said. In the previous year, Fang Zhen accidentally saw Feng Chenyi's figure. He thought it was a mistake. Later, his business began to deteriorate. He dug up a blood doll from the backyard of his home, then went bankrupt, and then was caught digging a blood doll for a murderer. Only then did he know that he actually saw Feng Chenyi in that year. Feng Chenyi came back and did not look for them, but secretly retaliated against them.

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