Chapter 601-620

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Everyone carried a medicine box in their hands, which was full of medicine for wounds.

Hua Zhenzhu squatted in front of an elderly woman and looked at the wound on her arm softly, "Mother-in-law, you believe us, you will be fine soon."

The elderly mother-in-law was weak and leaning on the side. She was already old and was frightened by the earthquake. Now she is injured again, and she is a little bit unclear about her sanity.


The old woman leaned against a tree, her wrinkled face was full of belief, Hua Zhuo’s nose was slightly sour, and she didn’t dare to delay any longer, she quickly took out her own medicine to the old woman, and then gave the old woman an Anxin Pill. Eat it.

Hualing, Hualian and others treated the injured respectively.

Qin Tianyue walked towards a young child with the medicine box in his hand. The child was held in his arms by his mother and one leg was pierced by a piece of wood. He was crying in fear and pain, and the boy's mother hugged the child tightly. , Softly painful comfort.

The two leaned on a large rock, and the boy's mother was uncomfortable, and kept reaching out her hand to cover the child's thigh, even if she held it like this, the blood on the child's wound was still flowing.

"Don't cry baby, don't cry, mother will take you to the doctor, and will take you to the doctor."

The boy’s mother did not notice the arrival of Qin Tianyue and others. She only wanted to comfort the child in her arms. Her child was only ten years old. Why should God be so cruel to him? They were still sleeping when the earthquake came. The shock was very strong. She was awakened, and the child’s painful cry was heard in her ear. She hurriedly opened the door and swayed to the child’s room. The scene that caught her eye made her eyes shattered and her heart seemed to be broken. She was uncomfortable and painful, her child fell under the bed, one foot was pierced through the thigh by a broken piece of wood, and the blood on the ground made her almost unsteady.

She picked up the child and ran out of the house quickly. The moment she ran out of the house, the house collapsed and turned into ruins.

There were crying and crying everywhere. She wanted to ask people to help her child. Each family was overwhelmed and could not save her child. Someone ran to her. She prayed that they would take her child to the hospital. They told her that the child is now like this. , The distance is so long, even if you go to the hospital, it is estimated that the child will not work. It is best to find a place to cover the child’s wound and try to keep his blood from flowing out. If it goes on like this, the child is likely to have danger.

After the people came, they ran away quickly, and they had to save their own people.

The boy’s mother hurriedly ran to the empty place in the village with her child, held her tightly and kept covering his wound. As an hour or two passed, the child’s complexion became paler, as if leaving her next moment.

The boy's mother was in a trance, and she was always subconsciously comforting her child. She was a single mother. The father of the child divorced her for many years. She has always taken the child by herself. She cannot lose her son.

Qin Tianyue quickly walked to the children's side and squatted in front of them. At a glance, she could see who was seriously injured. The child in front of her had obviously lost too much blood and might not last long.

Bai Chuxia followed Qin Tianyue, and in her hand she carried the medicine box that Hua Zhenzhu gave her. The medicine box was filled with the necessary medicines carefully prepared by Hua Zhenzhu.

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