Episode 24: Come For You

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Triple update. Hope you enjoy! x

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Episode 24: Come For You

The ride back home was tedious and felt like an eternal journey.

It wasn't much of a surprise that this was the case with the eruption going inside of the woman's chest.

It was over an hour's worth of travel back into the city, but crazily enough, Leslie didn't feel the need to sleep like last time nor did she force herself to.

She had a lot to think about during that time.

Like the way a particular man's eyes would totally consume her once they landed on her.

Her mind was on overdrive, busy conjuring up images of the way his pretty lips would part in surprise at her presence.

Her imagination went the extra mile of crafting his other features; such as his long, black hair she always craved to run her hands through and those icy blue eyes which never failed to have her frozen.

She already felt her fingers twitch with the feeling of a frosty sensation making its way up her hand.

It was an unsolved mystery whether it had something to do with the thought of him or how cold the place had gotten.

Her eyes took in the outside as she blew out a frigid breath.

The skies were dark with a lingering curtain of what was a rainy day.

Leslie still felt the heavy moisture in the air as she sped uptown and hailed a taxi.

It began to drizzle as she made her way to his address.

Her body felt on the brink of falling apart due to exhaustion but her heart was very much awake.

It had been incandescent after being lit with something contrastingly scorching.

With one hand to her chest, she hastily paid the driver as she ran upstairs after making it to the private apartment complex.

The guard greeted her and she offered him something between a grunt and a panicked squeak of not wanting to be dismissive amidst her hurry.

Finally making it to the front door, her chest was heaving and bones burning in protest of her marathon of activities. She felt her coat pocket vibrate with a text message.

Taking it as an opportunity to have a breather before knocking on the door before her, she took it out and looked down.

It was him.

How did it go?

She bit down onto her lips as her eyes raised to the door, wishing with every fibre of her being that he stuck to his bad habits and was home.

Open the door and find out.

All the air was knocked out of her as the door was swung open within the next couple seconds.

It was like time stopped.

Round, brown eyes slammed into surprised cerulean ones.

They darkened at the sight of her, but it was compensated for with the starry silvers around his irises as the realization dawned on him that she was actually here.

Not a figment of his imagination.

Leslie was actually standing before him in the flesh.

He hated how dramatically his body reacted, licked with a flame of odd excitement at seeing her.

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