Episode 3: Territorial

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Episode 3: Territorial

Eddie wasn't very ecstatic about the idea of his best friend spending so much time with a man she barely knew.

"What if he's secretly a psycho? I don't mean to judge but for someone who writes the types of books he does it has to stem from somewhere you know?"

"Wow. You really are freaking out if you're saying something horrible like that." Leslie chewed on the strawberry she had just dipped in chocolate.

He looked away just in time to see her red lips wrapping around the fruit and sucking.

"What I'm saying is—"

His pupils stilled before his hand went up to scratch at his head nervously in thought. "Wait, what was I saying?"

She couldn't help but crack up at that.

"Jeez, Ed. If you don't know what to say don't say anything at all. I promise I'll be safe."

"I hope that's not in the way I'm virtually dreading."

Her brows raised at his insinuation.

"I wouldn't sleep with him even if he begged me to."

Eddie rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed by her lying. "Says the girl who has each and every book he's ever published stacked neatly in the corner of her room like a goddamn shrine."

"I appreciate his art. Is that a problem? That doesn't mean I would get with him at the first chance."

"Maybe not the first but who knows about the second? Or third?" He walked away towards the kitchen to grab a beer and she bent her head at an awkward angle to shout.

"Just because you like the colourful wrapping paper, it doesn't mean you'll feel the same way about the gift inside!"

"Whoah, calm down. I don't know if you're trying to convince me or yourself with all these analogies. It's only making the situation more awkward and frankly it doesn't ease my worries one bit."

"I'll make sure to bring my pepper spray." She batted her eyelashes at him.

"That doesn't do shit these days. Don't you know how much perverts have evolved over time?"

She huffed. "Okay, fine. I bought a stun gun the other day. I guess I'll finally be able to put it to good use."

"See? You're already talking as if he is a pervert."

Her lips pursed at her mistake.

"I meant in the context that he is a pervert, Ed. Don't twist my words. It's my biggest pet peeve when someone does that."

"Whatever. Just don't fall asleep in his company. At that point you'll really be vulnerable to anything."

"Okay, I'm gonna end this conversation right here." She hopped off the couch and made her way to her bedroom.

"You're only saying that to go read another one of his books, aren't you? Just how lonely are you, Leslie Quinn?"

"What do you expect when I don't have the time to date anyone! Leave me to fantasize in peace and possibly touch myself in between the sheets."

She caught sight of his mouth falling open, a deep blush painting his cheeks.

"You're disgusting!"

Her chuckles filled the space as she skipped to her bedroom, closing the door and getting lost in another one of her favorite books.

She had always wanted to write one of her own.

Technically, it wasn't an impossible dream for her with her educational achievements but it was too time-consuming. It didn't help that she didn't know what to write about in the first place either. You know that feeling of wanting to write something great and touching which the world could relate to but it just didn't work out on paper as well as it did in your mind? Yes, that's what the girl was faced with every time she attempted to create anything by herself.

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