Episode 25: Grateful

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Episode 25: Grateful

Leslie took the time to find herself in the bathroom. As soon as she entered, his aromatic fresh pine scent almost knocked her over. It was something of wood—mysterious, warm and sultry.

Her nostrils twitched in delight and she opened her mouth and gently breathed in through parted lips. It enabled her to experience the addictive scent in a slightly more immersive manner.

The girl couldn't help but feel as if she was favored by the heavens as she decided to take it a step further and have a shower.

She was sure he wouldn't mind anyway.

As her lips curled up knowing that he'd been behind these said walls a couple minutes before her arrival, she couldn't help but scold herself for being such a darn pervert.

Imagining him naked was one of the lines she shouldn't cross, yet it was begging to happen with her standing here.

It was like bringing someone who was on a diet to a donut shop and asking them to just look and enjoy the pretty colors and decorations.

Freaking torture, she mentally groaned.

Her mind was still running wild with all the words she wanted to tell him. They had not been buried in the least since she's been here. Every word in that speech she had given had awoken a part of her that was dormant. Leslie wanted to risk everything to have this man be hers in every which way. She knew it wasn't one sided seeing as he treated her so well and asked her to be with him in the first place. That had to mean something given his track record of women—which was close to nonexistent.

Well, as far as she was aware of.

Still lost in thought, Leslie didn't notice him walking past her as she made her way out the bathroom and into the hallway, running an attentive hand through her damp hair.

That was why she bumped straight into him, going off balance.


The impact her shoulder faced with the wall nearby was harsh and she cried out in pain.

Christopher grabbed her and checked the area with concerned eyes. "Are you alright?"

A groan left her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My fault for not looking where I'm going."

However, the man still glared at the wall as if it had committed a heinous crime.

She couldn't help the light chuckle that left her at seeing that. "Stop looking at it like that. You're gonna bore a hole through it."

"Maybe I should," he mumbled, speaking more to himself than her.

Her jaw dropped.

It was a pleasant surprise to see him react this strongly to her getting hurt in such a non-fatal situation.

She opened her mouth to tease him some more but then he touched the area and she grimaced.

"You're not fine," he chastised softly, a frown taking over his face.

She couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked while doing so.

"Sorry," she said. "I really thought I was."

"No need to apologize. Let me get something to put on it. Have a seat on the sofa. I placed your tea there the moment the shower turned off. That's what I came to tell you."

"You were listening to me in the shower?"

His cheeks were dusted with pink.

"Only to hear when you'd be close to finishing. I didn't want your beverage to get cold."

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