Episode 13: Slow Dance

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Episode 13: Slow Dance

Noah wore a cheeky smile as he watched his best friend's lips unfurl.

Christopher still had his hand wrapped around his wrist which appeared terribly painful from Leslie's point of view.

She found herself about to get involved, however the victim had already managed to free himself.

He placed the same hand which had been bruising him onto her own lightly.

Her entire form froze at the feeling of Christopher's touch which he surprisingly didn't remove upon contact.

"If you're so bothered by someone else touching her why don't you grow some balls and do it yourself?"

A livid expression painted his face as a pair of sexy lips parted but Noah was quick.

"Don't be a coward," he admonished softly. "To new beginnings, remember?"

With a pat of farewell on his back, Noah silently excused himself, leaving the two of them stunned as their hands were still intertwined with each other's.

Is he really going to leave me to fend for myself like this? What about the jealousy plan? Has that all gone down the drain from a slight revelation of Christopher's agitation? The woman thought with a lost expression seeping into her features.

One daunting latch of the wrist and that was all it took for him to flee like rats off the Titanic.

Yet he had the audacity to be preaching about being a coward.


The pot really was calling the kettle black.

"Well?" Christopher's voice sliced through her thoughts sharply and she found her eyes flickering up to meet his.

He gave a half-smile that stirred a strange sort of emotion inside of her, one far too complicated to even categorize. "Are you interested in a dance or not?"

She swallowed, pupils expanding at the fact that he was actually entertaining the idea.

"I-" her voice was timid, "I'm not that good of a dancer."

Taking a step forward, still holding the palm of her hand in his own, he pulled her closer to him when there was only a mere inch left between them. She couldn't help but notice how even with heels on her forehead barely was on the same level as his chin. His shoulders were broad and he smelled of something intoxicating.

"I'll teach you," he murmured softly and escorted them to the dancefloor in an elegant twist of his body.

Leslie gulped as his deep, blue eyes which resembled the ocean lured her in. With her hand curled around his gently, she felt absolutely enthralled by this image of him. He was holding her with such care, like a fragile china doll he was scared to accidentally break. The soft piano music swept through the area with a calming tune; sweet and melodic. As the vibrant lights dazzled with a kaleidoscope of colours; the woman couldn't help but get caught up in it all.

"Breathe, Miss Quinn," he said and her eyes snapped up to him as she became abashed by his attention.

Never had he done something this...this intimate with her and it was making the confidence she had prior come crumbling down in an instant.

It was shameful to be honest but Christopher was a force of a man to be reckoned with.

"Why did you make such an offer?" She inquired.

He looked at her positively confused.

"To dance."

His jaw tightened at the clarification.

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