Chapter 1

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Vassa grins as Demetra tosses her shining blonde hair over a slender shoulder. She urges her golden pony up beside Vassa's, it's long mane a perfect match to Demetra's curls.

"It's not fair. Sunny has to take three steps for every one Perseus takes." She's breathing hard. They've just raced across the fields bordering the castle. As usual, Vassa has won. Her horse, Perseus, is tall and powerful. Not exactly a fair match for Sunny's short legs and stout figure.

"Then why race me at all?" Vassa strokes her horse's shining neck as Demetra laughs.

"It's just too much fun."

They turn their horses around and head back the way they had come. It's summer and the evening air is warm enough that Vassa is sweating lightly.

"I wish we didn't have to go back so soon." Demetra sighs. She echoes Vassa's thoughts perfectly.

"If only we had stayed children forever." Vassa laughs lightly. She's trying not to think of what is waiting for her once she's home. The pressure from Hybern mounts every day. His latest official, Jurien, is relentless in his pursuit of the Queen's alliance.

"Do you think it is best to ally with Hybern?" Demetra is quiet. As though she's worried someone will overhear her. Vassa glances at the guards that follow a respectful distance behind them.

"I think it does not matter much what I think." Vassa keeps her voice low. "I may technically be a queen but my opinion matters little here. The only reason they have not done away with me yet is because Oreal is a whole lot more opinionated than I am. Forsythia does not want to put up with that."

"Sometimes I feel the same." Demetra sighs. "I may be older than you but they care little for what I have to say. Forsythia may as well rule by herself the way the others follow her lead."

"Jurien is bad news. I can feel it in my bones." Vassa clutches the reins tightly in her hands as she feel the familiar anxiety wash over her. "I'm afraid that speaking up may not make a difference."

Demetra makes a sound of sympathy and they grow quiet as they pass some workers in the adjacent field. They wave and smile as the queens pass them. They are used to the races through the resting fields. Demetra and Vassa wave back.

"Hopefully Jurien will leave the same as all the officials before him." Demetra continues once they are out of ear shot.

"The cauldron seems to be more of a bargaining chip this time around." Vassa voices the thoughts that have been swimming in her head. "I think Forsythia may not turn Hybern away this time."

"Maybe we should just risk it and talk to her." Demetra broaches.

"Maybe" Vassa replies. Their conversation comes to an end as they approach the stables. But Vassa can't shake the anxiety that roils her stomach.

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