Chapter 5

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The air around them settled as they appeared in the entry of the House of Wind. Vassa dropped Lucien's hand quickly. The touch was unsettling and she moved to swipe a hand through her short hair so as to remove the cool feeling of Lucien's grip.

"I thought no one could winnow into Velaris or the House of Wind." She said curiously. She hoped he didn't notice the uneven beating of her heart. She'd only winnowed a few times and really detested the feeling.

"Rhysand wanted to make things easier for me since I've been going back and forth so much." Lucien said. Then, with a grin "It's not like I have wings to fly into the city or up to the house."

Vassa just shrugged, holding back her shudder as she remembered her own wings, the ones she never wanted to feel again.

Footsteps echoed in the hall leading to the entry and both Vassa and Lucien turned to see Cassian coming toward them. The Illyrian was dressed in his usual fighting leathers, his massive wings tucked in neatly behind him. He bore a satisfied expression on his face.

"Good grief." Lucien sighed as Cassian drew closer.

Cassian winked at him. Lucian's look of distaste did not go unnoticed.

"What? What is it?" Vassa looked back and forth between the two Fae males in confusion.

"Nothing." Lucien mumbled.

"Awwww Lucien, are you too embarrassed to say you smell the scent of my mate all over me?" Cassian's teasing taunt was boisterous.

Vassa's eyes grew wide.

"You'd think you'd have the decency to bathe before a meeting with your court." Lucien's voice was hollow.

"How can I help if my mate asked me to please her in the free time we had this morning?" Cassian grinned and licked his lips. "She's too delicious to resist."

Vassa tried not to picture Cassian and Nesta engaged in what she could only imagine. It's not like she herself had much experience. She wouldn't have even known Cassian had just come from... doing that... with his mate had he not spelled it out for her. It's not like she had the enhanced senses of the Fae. Her curse may cause her to be able to shape shift but she could not imagine what it would be like to scent as well as a Fae.

"Your vulgarity never ceases to amaze me, Cassian." Lucien's cutting remark seemed to snap Cassian from his playful mood.

"Ahh, Lucien. We both know if Elain accepted you you'd be fucking her just as wildly as I fuck Nesta."

Lucien stiffened, stepping forward.

Vassa jumped between the two males before Lucien could lift his arm to punch Cassian in the face. They towered over her but she stood her ground. Her arms spread, pushing Lucien back as she turned to address Cassian.

"You males are all the same. You have to have a pissing contest at every opportunity."

Lucien softened a bit at the touch of her hand on his chest, pushing him away from the Illyrian.

Rhysand rounded the corner just then.

"Shut up, Cassian." Was his only opening remark. He gestured for the group to follow him into the House of Winds library.

Vassa removed her hand from Lucien's chest and didn't dare meet him in the eye. She knew he would be embarrassed at his reaction to Cassian's taunting later on. Lucien prided himself on being a gentlemale. He always tried to say the right thing and treat everyone kindly. He cared for his honor. Vassa knew he'd be embarrassed by losing his temper so quickly with Cassian. She knew he was on edge because of Elain and Tamlin.

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