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We love being accused of plagiarism...so glad my finals are over...2 more semesters before I have my bachelor's!! Looking forward to next semester when I have advanced fiction writing (basically writing a short story the entire semester, will probably use this as a baseline because it isnt at the novel mark of 50k words).


Tallulah knew there was something up with Atlas. She could feel it in their connection which raged like an angry fire within her clawing to be free. She wished for nothing else to quench the fire and accept the bond between them.

It was taking so much of her will power to not say anything. After the confrontation with her mother and stepfather in Idris she wanted nothing more than to melt into Atlas' arms but that would sign her death warrant for sure.

She didn't miss the small conversation that Mykel had with Atlas after departing from midday meal two days ago. She wanted to be nosy but Mykel wasn't sharing what they talked about no matter how many times she inquired.

She knew she could get it from Atlas, but after the experiment with the council she never wanted to do that again. It was too invasive and too weird, too personal.

Her skin was crawling lately. It was an ever present itch that left her annoyed at every turn. She wanted to scratch and scratch until her body no longer felt like there were ants marching across her body. She kept this information from her friends because she didn't even know what it meant and doubted they would.

This journey had opened her eyes to a lot of things. Back in Idris, when she had heard her father's words about her she knew she would never have a loving family with them or with Atlas'. His mother had made her disdain towards her known quite plainly. But that was as Talon. Perhaps she would look at Tallulah different if she knew that she was her son's mate.

Tallulah knew that was only wishful thinking.

The days bled together on their journey. Some days were silent for the company, and others were boisterous.

Her horse got better being around her and the other dragons. It had gotten to the point where she gave Tallulah no issues at all by the fifth day after they'd departed Idris.

Her shoulder stung from being thrown down still and it worried her. It should have healed by now but was refusing to. Once they reached the border lands she would go to a healer to have it looked at. They had but a day left of hard traveling before they reached their destination.

This was the closest she had ever been to war and it scared her. She could feel the growing uneasiness within Atlas as well and was slightly relieved to know she wasn't alone in her feelings. Trying to read and understand everyone else's emotions was impossible. Mykel was never expressive unless it was a negative emotion. Ander was expressive when he wanted to be, and she didn't know Reylan or Latimer well enough.

She had never been this far south, she had never left Idris for that matter and in the span of months she was crossing the country with her mate and prince. Never had she imagined her life to be like it is now.

She loved listening to the stories from Reylan, which were about Atlas' father. He was only really telling Atlas these stories but she could hear them talk. Latimer was included, but she, Mykel and Ander had stayed out of their conversation and had their own to pass the time.

Growing up she had heard of so many heroic things about Atlas's father, but she didn't ever delve into it because she was but a commoner and he was royalty, their lives should never have intersected.

By the time they stopped for the night no one was talking. Tomorrow would begin business with the war, there was no more fun conversation to be had. It would all be serious and potentially life changing from here on out. They all sat in silence with the fire going until it was unanimously agreed upon to go to sleep.

Tomorrow by midday they'd arrive.


Literally a month after I wanted to be done with this chapter it is finally posted. I've been in a writing slump lately and it sucks.

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