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They had but one day left in the woods and then it was another fortnight till they reached Aria.

He already had a building anxiety about reuniting with his mother. But as of lately, everyone was getting along, Talon had come out of his shell and he was so much more fun to be around. Atlas could tell it was hard for the lad to be so cordial with others and what he'd learned so far about the boy's life made him understand why.

He had a sister Tallulah, which upon learning this made Atlas miss Karina, his own sister. She had been young when her sickness hit and there was no cure, still wasn't one to this day.

He thought Tallulah to be a beautiful name. And the way Talon described her, she seemed like a strong individual, enduring an abusive husband.

It was good that the boy had a good relationship with his family, at least mostly, with his mother and sister. And it was evident that the strained relationship with his stepfather had created his resolve. He would need that in the army.

Atlas knew Ander and Mykel viewed the boy differently after a day of just conversation between them all while traveling. They'd all grown closer, and at this point he wondered how devastating it would be to Talon once he knew of Atlas' lineage.

They stopped later than usual for the night, wanting to make more progress. The horses were tired as well. Atlas felt bad for Ronan, the horse was old now and this was taking a toll on him.

The conversation was sparse this evening. Everyone was too exhausted from walking all day. The food was good however, Ander had caught some rabbits earlier in the day and skinned them while the fire was getting ready.

The rabbits were better than the dried fruit and meat he had stowed away in his saddle bags, and it made him ready for a hot meal again, a proper one. The last had been when they first ran into Ander and Mykel.

Nobody wanted to spar tonight, and he was okay with that. Sleep was calling them all to join.

No sooner had Atlas passed out then he was to be awakened by a cry of surprise. It sounded like a woman in distress, but looking around, he found no one aside from the men he was traveling with and, doing a doubletake, wolves.

He scrambled to his feet, running to Ronan to free him and grab his sword from his saddle bags. He realized that they had come because of the rabbits, wanting to scavenge what was left. Atlas hadn't even considered that possibility. The wolves appeared starved, he could count the ribs on the wolves illuminated by the dying fire.

Everyone was awake at this point, yelps and human cries echoed through the wood. A wolf had gotten him on the arm, a wound that would need proper care soon, that he knew. Energy coursed through his veins as the onslaught of wolves became unbearable.

Talon was on his back holding a wolf at arms length as its hungry mouth snapped and snarled at him. Atlas was quick to deliver a killing blow to that wolf and helped the boy up, giving him a knife he had stowed away in his boot.

"Thank you," he said, his breathing labored.

"Let's get out of here!" He shouted, hoping Ander and Mykel could hear him among the cries.

He mounted Ronan, maneuvering him past the fire, swinging his sword at wolves that nipped at Ronan's legs and sides.

He saw Talon making a run for it on the opposite side of the fire. Mykel and Ander were right behind him.

They rode as quick as their horses would allow, Atlas made sure to keep Talon in his sight behind them, the lad was tiring sooner than they could stop.

He pulled at Ronan's reins, tugging him back to grab Talon.

Hoisting him up onto the saddle, it didn't go amiss that the boy was all skin and bones just about. There was no struggle to hoist him up.

They rode until they could no longer hear the wolves. By then the sun was just peaking over the horizon. Dark circles lined everyones eyes.

Pure exhaustion came close to knocking Atlas on his ass, but he was able to get a bedroom situated before passing out. The others in the same situation.

He knew he would ache and hiss in pain once they awoke, but for now he slept.

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