A Brother

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They all awoke relatively early, the sun hadn't yet risen and they were out in the training fields. Per an agreement last night, while Atlas stayed here he would conduct a training each morning. He worried that not only would it would be a waste of his time and effort but that there was an underlying reason for it.

No matter the reason, he had agreed so they left the tent. His body ached still from the continuous riding they'd done to get here, and he was certain he wasn't the only one who hurt.

They ate a light and quick meal, too much food could cause vomiting during their training session. There were oats and some fruit in a hot milk filled bowl. It was the first decent food since they'd left Idris.

Tallulah, he noticed, didn't eat much. He furrowed his brow. He had a continued growing concern about the fact he did not feel their bond. It was something he would ask Mykel about because he didn't know how to approach Tallulah. Females were not his strongest area. He had always assumed he'd find a daughter of a lord or at least a high ranking official of his court and in a way he had, but in a twisted sense of it. By all means she should not exist, to have a child from another woman would shame the male's mate. And it was evident she was the oldest. The only things he could think of were not good especially given Lord Kelwin's demeanor. Tallulah had been a child of rape.

To have such a strong scale pattern, and what he knew of was extensive for even most female dragons, she was special.

The training session today was with the higher ranking fighters. Many had their preferred weaponry, but Atlas made it known that to be proficient in at least three weapons would be a great advantage. Today everyone was working with a secondary weapon, including him. Tallulah had chosen daggers. She was tall, taller than a lot of men too, so the daggers looked funny in her hands, especially since he was used to her axe which required both hands to weild at times. He was impressed to see her handle the small blades with a seemingly practiced hand. Atlas suspected she'd trained with them on the side.

Training took the entire morning and by the time the sun was high in the sky all were exhausted and dragging their feet. It became clear to Atlas that these men had no true training, they were handed weapons and expected to make the best of it with little training. And these were some of the best fighters he had here. These men would need a lot more training than the time he was here, but that was only if things didn't go well. He had every hope that they would.

Everyone left to wash up, Tallulah departed from the group. Atlas spied Mykel also watching her leave. Their eyes met and Mykel nodded. The nod reminded Atlas that he had a few questions for Mykel and hung back as he waited for Mykel to reach him.

"I have some questions if you wouldn't mind answering them,"

"If they pertain to a certain someone, I will have limited responses. Her business is hers alone. I had offered my advice on numerous occasions and she still refuses to follow, there are many ugly truths to her past, and they hinder her accepting you outright. The only thing I can offer is to let her know you're aware of who she is and then go from there," the answer was cryptic but he knew Mykel wouldn't budge with his resolve. He could have used his authority to get what he wanted, but that was cruel and unnecessary. Once they made their trip to their adversaries in three days and had come back it was then he'd confront her.

There were several bathing spots throughout the camp he noticed, and was thankful to have found one that was empty.

"Talon, be real," it was a woman.

"I am. It's you who are the most stubborn woman to ever exist, and you put to shame my Iris. As princess you could accomplish so much," there was an underlying tone to the man's voice that Atlas could only describe as hope.

The woman harrumphed. "You forget, dear brother, that I am still married, and my own father would use me only for his own gain,"

"Ah, there is that. I'm impressed, part of his guard, if you were my brother instead, our family would be proud," she scoffed.

"No, I'd still be an embarrassment," she remarked following the scoff.

"I'm proud, for what its worth," there was a slight pause before he added, "was there anything specific you were looking around for?"

"Yes, I need to find a healer that won't reveal my secrets," Tallulah replied.

"Oh! That's easy enough, Iris is a wonderful healer, she lives outside of the camp on the other side. Meet me here one night and I'll take you," Atlas wondered who this Iris was, there were no reports of a female healer anywhere near the camp. He contemplated several things. Could she be a part of his contact in the south? He'd never met an Iris, but there were many people trying to help his country.

"Okay," they departed from each other shortly after that exchange. It left Atlas with much to ponder.

Tallulah hadn't outright lied to him, she had bent the truth...a lot. There was a Talon, her half brother, and this was living proof. It was quite possible that Tallulah worried about her position for her brother's sake. It was all getting to be too much. Shaking his head clear Atlas finished his initial action of washing himself.

They were free to do as they wished in the camp, or at least he would hope so. He was the prince after all.

Dressing, he went to find Ronan, the Horse was old and Atlas worried that soon would be his time to go. He could not worry about that, but the horse was one of the few things he had left of his father. He had to cross the entire camp once he found out where his horse was being kept. This allowed him to survey the troops as he walked. They were out of shape and lazy to say the least.

Once he'd gotten Ronan he noticed there was a note tucked in the straps on the saddle. Looking around he made sure he was alone as he opened it. It was from his correspondent.

They would have to leave the camp tomorrow night to meet him.

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