Class 3-D

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 It was Monday and the boys of Class 3-D started their day by attending the class as usual.

"Cover them up? No problem!", Okuma, one of the students in the class read the message in his phone. It was from Hayato.

Hayato, Ryu, Takeda, Tsucchi and Hyuga sometimes skipped the class since they had zero interest in studying. And today is one of the day.

They told Okuma to cover up for their absence.

Despite of their naughty behavior, the friendship between the students from Class 3-D was known to be the strongest compared to other classes. It is because they stand up for their friend and help each other. They treasure their friendship more than anybody else.

"Hey guys! Help me to make a substitute for five of them!", He announced it to everyone.

Without any objections, the rest of them quickly followed his order.

Less than a minute, they successfully create puppets for the five of them.

Suddenly, one of the students of class 3-D, named Imoto rushed in as he went back from the bathroom.

"Guys! I have a good news for you all!!"

His announcement made the whole class silent, paying attention on him.

"What is it?!"
"Quickly, spit it out!"

He took a deep breath before continuing.
"Do you remember about the co-ed program last week?"

"You mean, the girl exchange students program?" One couldn't hide his enjoyment.

"But I doubt they would want to send them into our class, haha", another student laughed in sadness.


The students' jaw dropped.

"How did you know?!", one student moved forward, closer to him.

"I heard about it when I passed by the teacher's office. Moreover, she is with Yankumi right now and they are heading here!!"

His last sentence snapped them instantly. All of them were excited and at the same time panicked, each fixed their school uniform neatly, combed the hair and arranged their table.

"Sweep the floor!"

"Do I  look okay?"

"Erase the blackboard!"

Their face expression completely showed how excited they are when it comes to impress a girl.

*Door slid open

Yankumi entered the class.


"EHHHHH!!", They sounded disappointed.

"What is... How come all of you look so smart and clean today!!?", She shouted happily after she saw their neat appearance compared to the past days.

"Have my teachings finally touched all of your heart into becoming a better person?", She wiped the tears in her eyes, feeling somewhat proud with herself.

"That's not going to happen", one muttered.

They rearranged back their tables to their usual messy arrangements. "Eh, wait wait! Why do you change it back?", Yankumi confused.

"This is all because Imoto said that a new exchange student is coming here!", one student put the blame on his friend.

"I swear! I saw it!"

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