2.) Ethan James

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I woke up and instantly remembering it was the end of fall break. Ew. I really didn't want to go to school today. Well that's everyday mostly but whatever. I settled on a laid back outfit consisting of some slightly ripped jeans, a pink tank top that ties in the front and lace on the back, and some black bootie heels. I pared it with a light brown satchel purse thing and light makeup.

I still looked horrible.

I walked down to the kitchen and made myself breakfast: bagel with strawberry cream cheese. (my favorite) I was enjoying my bagel when I was startled by a honking. "Oh, shit", I thought to myself, "I'm late!" I ran to the car approaching my more-than-annoyed brother.

"Come on Alyssa, could you be any more slow?" Mark said gruffly.

"Why yes actually, I could" I smirked back, not liking his attitude.

He scoffed to himself and carefully backed out of the driveway. The ride was pretty silent all the way to school. When we got there I quickly got out of the car and headed for the building, not wanting to get caught by mark's crowd of a billion drooling girls. I got into school just before they came running towards him, literally running. I turned around and made impact with something very hard. I fell instantly bringing a headache with it. I stood up and looked at the gorud, and much to my dismay, saw my books spread across the ground.

"I'm so sorry miss", said a strange, unfamiliar voice, "Let me help you with that" He bent down and started to pick up my books. He stood up and I swear, right then and there I had a mini heart attack because standing in front of me was the most beautiful guy i had ever seen. He had shaggy brown/blond hair that shook every time he moved and soft, kind brown eyes that seemed to welcome everyone in. He was super muscular, his arms bulging out of his semi-tight polo shirt.

I smiled at him awkwardly, "thanks" I said.

He smiled back and I about melted, "hey no problem, see ya 'round" he replied. He talked in a thick accent which I processed as Australian. He turned around and started walking towards his first class; something I should probably be doing, but I was literally stuck where I was. I looked at the clock and the bell was about to ring. I finally got myself to move and i ran to homeroom. As soon as I stepped in the door, the bell went off.

"phew", I thought "Safe"

I quickly regretted that thought as soon as i saw who was sitting in the spot next to me. It was the Australian guy. I sat down, looking down at my feet the whole time.

"Hey, you're the girl I so clumsily knocked down earlier!" he said getting my attention.

"hah yup, that's me." I replied nervously

"I don't think I introduced myself", he says keeping the conversation going, "I'm Ethan...Ethan James."


OOOOOOOOOOH Cliff Hanger!!!! lolz

Ok so I'm still super excited for this book so keep with me here!

This is totally unedited so please, I know there are mistakes.





okayyyy byeeee


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