3.) A Big Mess

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"I'm Alyssa," I say back, "Alyssa Baker"

"Alyssa is a beautiful name" he states. My cheeks heat up, turning tomato red.

'Why thank you" I squeak.

"Anytime" he smiles

The bell rings and I get up and head for Math. I'm not even out the door when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn around sharply, mostly because I hate being touched, and I come face to face with Mr. Australian himself. He notices me staring at his hands and takes it off my arm, his face flushing pink.

"Where's room 203?" He asks me sheepishly

"Oh" I say a little surprised,"down that hall, turn left, first door on the right"

"Ok thank you so much" he says and then runs off to his class. I walk rather slowly to math, not wanting to be there too early. I take a seat in my usual spot and thank god he's not in this class so I can finally concentrate. i didn't do much concentrating though, because well, it's math. We were learning about angles or something so that was pretty easy. When math ended I started for Science trying to avoid Mr. Australian. I don't know exactly why I was trying to avoid him, he wasn't mean or anything, I just didn't want to see him in the sense that if i did see him, I'd probably have a heart attack.

I got to Science without seeing him. I sat down in the back of class because I didn't feel like participating today. I mean usually I love Science, and I'm pretty good at it, but not today. Science went by very slow, but finally it was time for creative writing. I absolutely loved this class. I've been writing since I was 8 and been in love with it since then. I sit down and burry my face in my notebook. I'm currently writing about a girl who lost her parents in a car crash and is living with her grandparents.

"Class i want you to welcome our new student,",Mr. White announces, "Ethan James"

I whip my head up and turn to see for myself if he really was there. Much to my dismay, he was. He was standing up there flashing that lazer-white smile. God that kid was going to be the end of me; I swear.

After Mr. White was done introducing him he started to look for a seat. And I bet you could never guess where the only available seat was. Yup that's right, next to me.

"hello again" he smiled

"hi" I squeaked

"whatcha workin on?" he asked

"Oh just some old stuff" I replied trying not to die right then and there.

"Can I see?" he asked reaching his hand over towards my notebook. I instantly reached out so fast and caught the notebook before he reached it.

"NO" I almost screamed. the whole class turned to look at me. My face, for the third time today, became tomato red.

"Is there a problem back there?" Mr. White asked


"Well?" he pushed

Before he said anything else, I got up and rushed out of the room not looking back once. I'm pretty sure I was having a mental breakdown. I ran all the way home.

When I got home I grabbed food and locked myself in my room.

This is a big mess. All a big mess. Why did he have to come to this school? Why did I have to run into me? Why was he popping up everywhere? What was happening to me?


Its comin along!

Im still really excited for this!

The picture above is Emma and in my previous chapter was Ethan




You are beautiful always even if you don't have a guy!!!!!

Ok ily all


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