4.) Voices

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After I had calmed down, I went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. I looked in the fridge and grabbed an apple. I wasn't that hungry anyway. I sat on the couch and turned on the Pretty Little Liars marathon.

A little while later Mark came home and joined me on the couch. Mark was cool like that where he'd watch chick flicks with me all day long.

"Hey what's up with you today?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You were acting all frantic today."

"Nuh uh" I snapped.

" Okay whatever you sayyyyy" he sung annoyingly.

"You're annoying" I told him.

"And proud to be" he smirked back.

I threw a pillow at him and walked away.

I went up to my room and looked around, perfect as always. I guess I'm weird like that where my room is always clean. I mean my room is pretty big, so it'd look terrible if it was a mess. My room is pretty simple. I have a king sized pure white bed, with coral pillows, a white desk with a coral lamp and coral writing stuff. Ok basically everything in my room is either white or coral. My favorite part of my room is the corner. In the corner I have 4 fluffy balls that we use as chairs and a bug T.V. with about every game console you could think of. I know what you're thinking, "Poor little rich girl" and I guess you wouldn't be wrong. My dad is stacked, but I don't like to say anything.

I flopped down on my bed and started on my homework. I pushed a button on my remote and i n no time at all "Wildlife" was blasting through my radio. I sing along quietly and start on math. I love math, which again is weird. Much to my dismay, Math was really short. I started on y English, but decided just to leave it for study hall.

I got up and got into the shower. I started to sing at the top of my lungs and I massaged my peach-mango shampoo into my hair. I kept on singing for the remainder of my shower. I got out and dried off. I securely wrapped my towel around myself and opened the door.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed. Mark was leaning against the doorway with a grin on his face. He pulled out a foam microphone from behind his back.

"Introducingggggggg the next biggest pop star in the woooooorld ALYSSSSSAAAAAAA BAKKKKKKKKERRRRRRRRRR"he shouts.

"Whatever", I grin back at him

"You really are good" he says.

"Shut up" I state and walk back to my room. In my room I put on my brother's totally-not-stolen pajama pants and a tank-top. I shut off my light and snuggled into my pillows. I begin to think about Ethan. "God why am I obsessing over this one guy" I think to myself, "He doesn't even like you I mean why would he? You're ugly and not that smart and totally fat. Like seriously your thighs touch and that's not okay. Like you need to get skinnier for him to like you. Also your face. Like that's a joke all by itself. He will never like you. No one will. You're worthless. I don't even know why you try. You shouldn't. No one will ever like you. No one."

A tear runs down my face and I quickly lug in headphones and blast my "Happy Songs" playlist to block the voices in my head.



I don't really know what to say on this one

Next one is coming soon!


Ily all



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