7.) Stuck

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I wake up cursing that it's only Wednesday. The only good part of today is I have track, which I really enjoy. I'm a long distance kind-of-girl. I get up and just decide to wear my workout clothes to school because I'm jut that lazy. I slip on my running shoes just as Mark opens my door.

"Ever hear of knocking" I snap

"NO actually I haven't is it a new term?" he smiles

"Funny Mark, you're so funny" He smirks and I follow him out the door, grabbing my backpack on the way out. I quickly grabbed a bagel and followed him to his car. The car ride was mostly silent, except for my chewing which was bugging me. As soon as we got to school, I raced into the building to again aviod my brother's crowd of swooning girls. I step inside the building just as a complete downpour came crashing down on all of them. The air filled with high-pitched screams and swearing. I just sat back and laughed. That's what they get for being so god-damn annoying. They came in completely drenched and honet-to-god this one chick's face looked like it was coming off. Must have been all he make-up. nasty. Some people I swear.

I decide it's late enough to go to my locker. I get my books and head to my first class. Literally nothing eventful happens all day. Except when 8th hour rolls along. 8th hour announcements stated that track was cancelled today which was a huge bummer, but I decided to run anyway. It wasn't even raining anymore. After school I quickly headed for my locker and grabbed everything I needed (phone, water, earbuds, etc) On my way I dropped my backpack in Mark's car. I decide to go past the old cornfields on the other side of town.

I started my run through the busy streets of the city. About 15 minutes into my run I notice the sky is getting a lot darker and there seems to be rain clouds coming up on me. I ignore them and run harder, trying to reach my destination. I finally get out of the city and into more o the country area. I started to feel light rain peppering my shoulders. I shrugged it off because a little rain never hurt anyone. Plus it felt kind of good since I was so sweaty. When I reached the cornfields I sopped for a breather. I looked at my phone and saw I ran a total of 7.8 miles. I started to walk back when the tornado sirens went off. I started freaking out because our sirens only go off when there's a tornado on the ground. To make matters worse, I looked up and saw a bolt of lightning shoot down about a mile away from me. I got out my phone and began dialing Mark's phone. A loud crash of thunder sounded and I screamed, dropping my phone.

"Shit" I muttered. I am deathly afraid of storms. I pick up my phone and look at the damage; its completely shattered. Well this is just fucking great. I try to turn it on again and thank the lord it does. I dial my brother and hope he answers. He does and I explain how I'm in the middle of no where and there's a storm. He tells me he'll be right there. I'm slightly more relaxed, but still panicked because I have no idea what to do with myself until he gets here. I sit down on the pavement and listen to music, trying to ignore my surroundings.

About 20 minutes later I hear a truck pull up. I look inside, but it's not my brother. It's heaven himself: Mr. Ethan James

"Where is Mark?" I shout above the storm.

"He couldn't come. Something with your dad, so he sent me"

"Great" I mutter under my breath, not wanting me to hear him.

"Are you going to get in or stay out there in the storm?" he asks jokingly

I stomp over and get into his truck. When I get in and get all settled I turn to look at him only to see he's already looking at me. He's looking at me so intently I think he's going to say something, but he never does.

There is a huge crash of thunder and then no more than 30 seconds later, the car shuts off. I sizzling sound comes from the back and I start to get worried. Ethan swiftly gets out of the truck and looks in the back. About five minutes later he comes back covered in grease and rain. He looks at me smiling, "Looks like we're not going anywhere for a long time."


yayyyyy I really like this chapter

sooo what's going to happen in the car ;)

lolz nothing like that!!

Keep reading pleaseee!


okay byeeee


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