Chapter Five

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"(Y/n), why are we here?" Toby asked. "For your mother's burial," (Y/n) softly muttered and smiled at Toby. "Are you serious? But this is in a castle—" Before Toby could finish his sentence, realization hits him.

"We're in a castle!" He exclaimed, covering the lower half of his face. "Wait.. If your brothers are buried here then.. You are royalties?" Toby started piecing the puzzle and came to a conclusion.

"Indeed we are. Well, Mr. Blade here isn't but he is my father's friend and is most likely also considered part of the family." (Y/n) reached out her hand towards Toby. "Would you like to be a part as well?" She said.

"I.. I can't accept this.. You can't just let in a low life like me in a family like yours. Especially since you are a royalty—"

"I don't have the crown, Toby.. I've given up. I gave up the kingdom. Have you seen this place? Ever since my brother died, no one rules this place anymore. Or at least, there's nothing to rule anymore.," (Y/n)'s voice grew quieter the more she spoke.

"Let's go get the things to give your mother a proper burial."

They went back to their cart and got everything they needed. "(Y/n) you are assigned to gather up things for the tombstone. Toby, help me dig," Technoblade spoke as he grab the shovel, tossing one to Toby. (Y/n) walked away to gather stuff whilst the two started digging.

"Hm.. This seems like a big enough rock.. Or am I supposed to get wood? What should I even gather?" She muttered to herself, debating on what to gather. After moments of self-debate, she chose to get both rock and wood.

Back to Toby and Technoblade, they have dug a pretty big hole by now. "A few more feet and then it should be ok," Technoblade said, observing the hole they dug. While they continued deepening the hole, they hear a rather loud thump. They peeked from inside the hole and saw (Y/n) catching her breath. In front of her was a decent sized log and quite a big rock. "I don't... Know which one to get... so I got both.." (Y/n) breathed in and out, barely getting out her words. "Well, thank you, (Y/n)," Technoblade said. (Y/n) smiled and went to gather flowers to design the tombstone.

After hours of working, they have buried Toby's mother and carved a tombstone out of the wood (Y/n) got. (Y/n) made a flower crown and put it on the tombstone. Toby kneeled in front of it, tears welling up his eyes. "We'll leave you alone for a second, Toby.." (Y/n) pulled Technoblade with her and walked away a few meters. (Y/n) spotted this familiar yellow flower and immediately picked it. "Hey Mr. Blade—" She turned to Technoblade and put the flower on his hair. "—Still fits you.." (Y/n) smiled, tears blurring her vision.

"Tommy would be so happy to see you with that flower on your hair.." (Y/n) glanced at the flower on Technoblade's hair. She could already hear Tommy shrieking at the sight of Technoblade. "And Tommy would be more happy if you stop crying like a baby every time you remember them." Technoblade picked a flower from a bush behind (Y/n) and tucked it behind her ear. (Y/n) let out a chuckle, gently feeling the petals of the flower with her fingers.

They both walked towards Toby, seemed to have stopped crying, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go?" Toby nodded and stood up. "What's up with the flowers?" He sniffled. (Y/n) giggled, "Just stumbled upon a memory." She said while removing the flower. She looked at Technoblade and removed the flower from his hair. Walking to the other side of the tree, she stood before her brothers' tombstones and dropped the flowers with a sad smile on her face.

"I think it'll be better to leave those memories here...

So I can come back to something.."

:') i wanna apologise for being gone for soooo long.. Hope you guys enjoy this >< I'll try to make anotther one so I'll update 2 today but if not, I'll do my best to update soon ^^ if you spot any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out, I'll fix them as soon as I can <33


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