Chapter Ten

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Toby had fallen asleep on the dining table, his breakfast still unfinished. Technoblade just let out a low chuckle while (Y/n) rubbed her nape, feeling guilty.

"You woke him too early. Way too early." Technoblade carried Toby upstairs to his room whilst (Y/n) cleaned the dishes. 'I got too caught up with things. I didnt even consider how the people around me are going to be affected..' She thought. Guilt was all she could feel. She had damaged the relationship between her and Technoblade. Sure, it has been mend, but it won't be the exact same. There will still be the constant reminder of it, and she hated that.

Technoblade came back and sat down at the table, waiting for (Y/n) to finish what she's doing.

After doing the dishes, (Y/n) sat down in front of Technoblade. Knowing what they need to talk about, both of them stayed silent, not knowing how to start.

"So.. The plan?" (Y/n) asked, waiting for Technoblade to further elaborate.

"Obviously, Phil still doesn't know that I've told you so he won't really be leaving his place right now. We have to be prepared though because there are only 2 routes to choose from, and both of which are dangerous." Technoblade got out a piece of paper and something to write with.

He started sketching out the route.

"The left path is a quicker route but it's littered with venomous reptiles and possibly the most hostile village you would ever see.

Then the right path is a much longer route but it's a lot more safer than the left one. Although it still is a bit dangerous since wild animals mostly roam around here," Technoblade said, finishing up the sketch he made.

"Hm.. I suppose it's better to stay safe, let's take the right path. Do you know what wild animals are usually down that path?" (Y/n) looked at Technoblade.

"I don't know, I take the left path."



"What the hell?" (Y/n) just stared at Technoblade in disbelief. "You're kidding."

"I ain't."

"Why am I not surprised?" (Y/n) facepalmed and just let out a chuckle.

"There is a village before those 2 paths so we could ask them," Technoblade recalled, having to stop by a village back then. (Y/n) stared at the sketch then up at Technoblade. "We could but I'm asking right now so we could bring the right equipments," She pondered.

"I could fly there-"

"Absolutely not."

"Right, I just said that, not allowed at all. Got it." (Y/n) slumped on her chair, not knowing what to do anymore.


"... A small trip won't hurt come on-"

"(Y/n) no." (Y/n) raised her hand in defeat. "How will we know though?" She asked.

"Let me think."

After staring into nothingness, (Y/n) brought up the 'small stroll' once again.

"Let's go to the village you said. Us three." (Y/n) looked at Technoblade, hoping that he'll accept the proposal.

"Fine," He sighed.

The girl gleamed and immediately started planning when they'll visit the village.

'I'm so near. Father, I'm coming..'

More fillers cuz end of school year is still 3 months away. Hope you like it tho :]]

As always, please KINDLY point out mistakes you find throughout the chapter.


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