Chapter Eleven

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"Mr. Blade, I got everything we need!" (Y/n) exclaimed, dragging her stuff behind her. "(Y/n) isn't that a bit excessive?" Toby sweatdropped.

"Not really. The village we are to visit is like 5 hours away." Technoblade said as he gets the wagon ready.

"5 hours?! This isn't enough then-"

"Shut up, that is enough for a 5-hour travel," Technoblade cut her off. (Y/n) and Toby boarded the wagon as Technoblade climbed up his horse.

He snapped the reins and the horse started moving, pulling the wagon with it.

"So.. Why are we going to this village again?" Toby asked. "We are going to be gathering information regarding the route we will be taking once we are going to my father," (Y/n) explained. "Ah I see. Why is it so far though?"

"I don't know either," (Y/n) laughed. "How long does it normally take you, Mr. Blade?" She asked.

"Less than half a day. But that's when I take the shorter route—the more dangerous one." Technoblade snapped the reign again to speed up a bit. "Are those the times when you leave really early and come back at night?" Toby asked. "Yes," Technoblade answered.

Soon after, their ride became silent with Toby sound asleep and (Y/n) reading one of the books she brought. Only the sound of the horse's hooves and the wheel could be heard.

They have been travelling for more than 2 hours, (Y/n) even finished the book she was reading and is now reading a different one. "We should rest up for now, I got to feed the horse anyway." Technoblade halted his horse underneath a tree.

(Y/n) looked up from her book and noticed that they had stopped. She glanced at Technoblade and shot him a confused look. "I need to feed the horse. I'm guessing you didn't hear me when I told you," Technoblade said before going back to feeding his horse.

(Y/n) nodded and put her book away. "Can I roam around?"

"No," Technoblade was quick to refuse.

"Please?" (Y/n) hopped off the wagon with her hands pressed together while asking Technoblade.

"It's dangerous, (Y/n). We can't risk getting hurt this far from home."

"You do know I can fly right?"

"And? What does that have to do with your argument?"

"No one can hurt me from the sky?"

"You can be spotted and get shot."

"I'll only fly if I face danger. You know, like an escape plan?"

"..Fine," Technoblade sighed.

(Y/n) beamed and wandered off.

During her little adventure, she stumbled upon wild fruit and plants she had never seen before. She also found a village—not the one they are supposed to visit—deserted in the middle of the woods. There aren't even any nearby villages for them to trade with.

Out of curiosity, she entered the village and was greeted by the town's people.

"Hello there, young maiden! What brought you here today?" Enthusiastically greeted by one of the villagers. (Y/n) smiled and explained what brought her there.

"Are you from a noble family?" The villager asked, still smiling.

"Ah.. Well I wouldn't say a noble one but uh.."

"Attack!" A villager suddenly shouted which caught (Y/n) off guard. "What?!" She exclaimed. Due to an adrenaline rush, her wings spew out of her cloak and she started taking off.

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