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No response

No response.

"Oh Come on Death Boy! Rise and shine! It's a new day!" Will said in his most 'sunshiny' voice.
He heard a faint snore from under the blankets.
Will sighed. He needed to give Nico his medicine at exactly 6 a.m. and the said 'idiot' was slumbering like a log on the thin but comfortable infirmary bed. His persistence could give Clovis of the Hypnos cabin major competetion. If Will had learned anything in the past few days it was that Nico diAngelo was not a morning person, the complete opposite of Will who was (being the son of Apollo and all) the most active during morning . Even so Will didn't mind letting Nico sleep in for another half hour.
"You get only 30 minutes extra.. Snooze away sleepyhead.." He mumbled to no one in particular as the son of Hades wasn't really listening.
Besides Nico looked peaceful when he slept. The brooding expression completely disappeared from his face when he dozed off. His worry lines were nearly non existent and his pale face glowed in the morning sun rays. He looked angelic, which Will thought was pretty ironic. Will stifled a laugh at the mental image of the son of Hades with a pair of wings and a halo.
He tapped his watch, checking the time and sauntered off to check on the other patients.
He had managed to get Nico to admit himself into the infirmary for two whole weeks. The original arrangement had been three days, but what Nico didnt know was that Will could be..well..very persuasive. He knew he could force Nico to extend his visit further. He tried to suppress a grin at that thought. He had really begun to enjoy his company. He could already hear Nico's protests ringing in his thoughts and a loud 'Doctor's orders!' effectively shutting him up. Selfish intent aside Nico really needed time to heal...under supervision, preferably his. He had deep claw marks on his arms. It took Will a few hours to redo the hurriedly done stitches. Will knew that the wounds were a courtesy of Lyacon, the first werewolf and that it would take a few weeks for the poison to seep out. Also he was much too thin for Will's liking. He didn't eat much, though Will had vowed to make sure Nico ate well, much to his distaste. Jason had helped force feed the son of Hades at the dining pavilion last night which had caused quite a commotion. Jason had seemed to take Nico under his wing. Nico didn't show it but Will and Jason both knew he was relieved to have Jason around. After what Nico had been through what he really needed were friends. No one should have to go through what Nico went through alone. From what he had heard, Nico had fallen into Tarturus to find the Doors of Death, gotten himself captured by giants, nearly dissolved into the shadows from hauling the Athena Parthenos halfway across the globe, and fought Lyacon the first werewolf to save a world that had never accepted him. A world that had shunned his existence sole, reason being his parentage.

Will was in awe of the boy. He admired and even envied his nobility, courage and willpower.
Nico was a warrior, Will was just a healer.
He thoughts flashbacked to the Battle of Manhattan when Nico had saved the day just in time with an army of the dead along with his father, Hades.
Will and many others had been left stunned by the way Nico fought, his movements fluid and smooth as he parried the enemy's blows. The usually awkward and 'out-of-place' Nico had been replaced by a confident and brave warrior on the battlefield. He seemed almost as happy as the Ares kids to be in the warzone.
Will watched from the sidelines as Nico knocked out three enemy demigods in a couple of minutes.

"Will! Get a grip!" Kayla, his sibling yelled "You can enjoy the battle later! Injured demigods here!"

Will wrenched his eyes off Nico and mumbled a quick apology before getting back to work. He was just as important as the warriors out there he told himself. He was saving lives. He knew it was true but he still felt a pang in his chest. He had never felt this way before, but ever since he had gotten the news of Michael Yew, their head counsellor's probable death, it had hit him hard, harder than Lee Fletcher's death. He knew that after Michael he was the eldest. He was to lead the cabin now. Doubt and fear had clawed through his mind.Would he be able to do it? He was neither a leader nor a fighter. Far from it actually.
But even if he was scared and grieving he sure as hell didn't let on. He had to be the cabin's rock.

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