New Rome

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After an hour of extremely awkward travel with a snappy Italian girl Will glanced at his watch. It was exactly exactly 6 am, his favorite hour of the day. Time to wake up the rest of the cavalry.

"RISE AND SHINE! ITS A NEW DAY!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Nico and Nora glared at him.

"What's wrong with yo-"

"You didn't have to be so loud! Geez." Nico interrupted sounding annoyed but Will knew better.

He bit back a grateful smile.

He heard collective groans from the backseat. Louis Palmer continued to SNORE in the front seat.

"Shut the hell up!"


Coach Hedge yelled and jumped up swinging his baseball bat around.

"Coach calm down! You'll wake up Chuck!" Nico yelled in annoyance. Will was just about to point out that he was yelling too when a baby's shrill cry rang throughout the car.

"Great. Just great. Everybody out now or I'll have Jules personally drag your lazy butts to camp." Nico threatened with a scowl on his face.

In a minute everybody was out though Louis had made quite a fuss. Apparently she didn't mind Jules-Albert dragging her to camp. It would be 'totally awesome' she said.

"CALIFORNIA! HERE I COME BABY!" Coach Hedge yelled making everyone cringe.

"We aren't going to California."

Nico said exasperated.

"We are in California" Will corrected.

Nice rolled his eyes "Fine, my bad, we aren't staying in California. We are going to Rome. Happy?"


"Too happy" Nico groaned.

"Um..guys..I'm pretty sure Rome isn't in California." Cora said confused.

Will was just about to explain to them how exactly where they to find New Rome in California (he had read all the pamphlets) when Nico gestured for him to shut up.

"Let them see for themselves." He whispered nudging him on the shoulder. "You see for yourself."

They had pulled up at a highway overlooking the glistening waters of the San Francisco Bay.

The highway cut through the base of a cliff. There were two tunnel entrances, one for each direction of traffic and in the middle was a door which led to Camp Jupiter. Thanks to the Mist the door seemed like an opening to an old maintenance tunnel. Two demigods guarded the door in full heavy duty armor.

'Well that makes sense. Smaller entrance, lesser security problems' Will thought.

"Aren't you observant." Nico gave him a side wise glance.

Either Nico was psychic or he just said that out loud. He was guessing the latter.

Will made an internal note 'Death boy has superhuman hearing abilities. Be careful'.

"Ambassador of Pluto" He chirped in a fake accent winking at him "Go ahead. Do your thing."

Nico blinked then turned his head away immediately. Was he blushing? Will didn't get the chance to check, much to his disappointment.

"Wait here." He clipped and walked up towards the two guards. Nico always had this authoritative aura around him. Nobody would dare deny that.

A moment or two later he gestured at the small crowd of demigods to join him. One of the guards stayed back while the second one, a curly brown haired boy led the way to New Rome.

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