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Third Chapter out!
It feels so good to write fan fiction. This entire story will be Nico-centric cause' (not this chap though) I simply love him! :P
In this chap I have developed Norina's past.
If you have enjoyed my story up until now please vote and review.
The image enclosed above is what I think Nora looks like except with slightly shorter hair.

Nora's P.O.V
I introduced her in Chapter 1 and wanted to develop her further. So here goes.

A month and half had passed since Nora had joined Camp Half Blood. She had still not been claimed, much to her dismay and had been stuck in Hermes cabin with the other unclaimed.
She didn't have a clue as to who her godly parent was. Her mom was most probably too busy to worry about her right now. She was head surgeon at the Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. They had lived in New York since Nora had been a child, but her mom had insisted that they retain their Italian heritage. So naturally she was fluent in Italian and had grown up on healthy Italian salads and pasta.
She hadn't excelled in any particular skill up until now. She had tried her hand at sword fighting, but hadn't found one sword that felt balanced in her hand. She wasn't bulky or muscular and was no good at hand to hand combat. Archery was the only thing that she was fairly good at. She hadn't even been able to make any friends in the past few weeks.
In short, she was having a wonderful time.
Lou Ellen , the head counselor of the Hectate cabin had walked in and informed her of the exchange programme she had been chosen for. A one month trip to a Roman camp-Camp Jupiter she had said. Nora didn't know what to think of that. As if one camp hadnt been enough, now she had another camp where she could make a fool of herself.
'This will be your second home' Will Solace had said. Nora scoffed at that 'Yeah sure thing'.
The next week came and by midnight after campfire she and several others from her cabin had been led to Half Blood Hill where the exchange group had gathered.
Nora did a quick head count but it was difficult as there was barely any light except from the torches everyone were carrying. Nearly forty demigods stood chattering away as they waited for their respective vehicle.
Argus, the camp's security guard had whisked the first fifteen or so demigods in his van and had taken off. Had she mentioned that he had over hundred eyes all over his body. Nothing could surprise her anymore.
Two more cars arrived and by the time it was twelve thirty, nine demigods were left to be transported, Nora included. Nora had stayed back on purpose. Less people, less trouble
She noticed a blonde girl jogging up towards them with a torch in her hand. She ran up to Will Solace and Nico DiAngelo and started talking to them. She had startling grey eyes and an authoritative aura. Nora immediately knew that she wasn't someone you wanted to mess with.

"What are we supposed to do now? Chiron has to arrange something..and fast!" Will Solace yelled frantically.

"Just calm down will you!" Nico said frowning. "I have an idea."

Nora tried to listen in further but they were barely audible as Alroy O'Brien had gotten into a heated argument with Cora Davis and were yelling at the top of their voices. Louis Palmer waved her arms around trying to calm them down.
"Crazy innit'?"
Nora jumped to find the blue eyes and goofy grin of Ardan O'Brien. She scowled at him.
"What do you want Carrot Top ?" She snapped.
Ardan had just opened his mouth to speak when a stylish long car appeared from a wisp of smoke and black shadows right beside them. Both them gasped and scrambled back, Ardan falling on on his rear.
The temperature had definitely dropped by a couple of degrees. When the shadows faded and the fog died down the driver opened the door and stepped out. Was he...was he a zombie? Nora's eyes bugged out of her head. She was torn between being amazed and shit scared.
Nico DiAngelo stepped forward and nodded at the zombie driver who quietly got into the driver's seat again. She noticed the terrified expressions on the faces of her fellow companions. Apparently Nico noticed it too.
"Meet Jules-Albert my French chauffeur." He said calmly as if he hadn't just summoned a zombie-driven car out of thin air.
"You idiot! I told you no Underworld-ly stuff!" Will said scowling.
"I think he has healed enough Will" said the blonde haired girl. "Its been two months."
"Annabeth!" Will whined.
"Yeah and this was practically nothing."Nico said haughtily.
His brown eyes twinkled as he grinned at the girl named Annabeth.
Wait a second! Annabeth...Annabeth Chase! She had heard so much about her these past few weeks. She was like a living legend at camp along with the other six demigods of the prophecy. She had heard frightening stories about their powers, the son of Hades included. A shiver ran down her back.
'And this was basically nothing'. What kind of power was he concealing?
Annabeth turned towards Nora and Ardan and said kindly " There's no need to be afraid. He's cool. He took us out for dinner at McDonalds last week."
"A health disaster" muttered Will and Nora wondered whether he was talking about the food or the zombie.
Just then a satyr (half-goat half-man) trotted up the hill.
"MORNIN' CUPCAKES! You're late!"
He held a cute little baby satyr in his arms.
"What are you wishing us 'mornin' for! Its midnight! And you're the one who's late Coach Hedge!" Will said disbelieving.

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