Suho Imagine Part I (Playboy)

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Your POV

"It was already 11:00 pm and my bestfriend is not yet around in our dorm. Ugh! What I am going to do with him?"

I am talking about Suho, he was my bestfriend since my junior years and now the two of us are in college. Both of our parents were very closed and I treated him like my real brother but sometimes my feelings towards him is still clueless and awkward. I don't know what to do now because I feel so worried about him.

"I'm gonna kick his butt when he came home, Jeez where's that freaking Suho?" I said irritatedly and still worrying.

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps outside the dorm and I went out to see who was in there and I got shocked because I saw Suho with a girl assisting him while walking and the two of them look drunk and I am not wrong because they are.

The girl's style is so wild and I can prove it by the way she dressed that it made me feel so bothered because she is just so flirt and liberated. I saw Suho and the girl was doing outside and I felt so jealous because they are flirting with each other.

"Hey! What the heck are you two doing there? Please stop those shits you are doing." I said angrily while moving closer to my bestfriend and I pulled Suho from the girl and I pushed her because of too much anger. "Stop flirting with my bestfriend and go home jeez!" I exclaimed.

The girl smirked at me and then she leaved immediately.

Your POV

I am feeling so bad right now because of what I saw a while ago, I still cannot believe that my bestfriend is flirting with another girl whom I don't even know and the most heartbreaking is he's drunk. I don't want to see him like this again. He was a nice guy and an awesome bestfriend and I felt so sad about that. I think he did not knew what he's doing right now because he's drunk.

"Hey you Suho! What the heck are you doing a while ago? I am so worried about you? I don't know you anymore you're such a playboy! Please fix yourself and don't go home so late next time understood?"

"I am just doing what makes me happy! Don't you dare say that to me, this is my life, you're just my bestfriend. Back off!" Suho said angrily while pushing me away from him.

"Stop acting like shit! Suho you're drunk just let me help you!" I replied and I am still worrying about him.

"Just go away!"

"No I won't! It's my responsibility to take care of you! You're my bestfriend, I don't want to see you like that".

Suho sighed. And I am pulling Suho to go to his room.

"You are freaking heavy!"

"Go away!" Suho replied.

"No no!" I shouted back.

The two of us were already in the room and I got shocked when Suho pushed me down to his bed. And he collapsed above me not knowing what happened. I blushed because he almost kissed me.

"Oh my gosh! Pervert!" I said.

It was so unexpected. My bestfriend almost kissed me. I'm sobbing. This is the first time we had a body contact and this made me feel so different.

I went to the bathroom to get a basin and I put some lukewarm water and I grabbed a towel. After that I sat on the bed and I started to wiped Suho's face with it. "You are really good-looking my bestfriend, whoever girl you will love in the future I am surely think that she's very lucky because you are an amazing person". I said softly while wiping Suho's face down to his neck gently.

"I think, I'm falling"- I did not continue my words because I remembered that he was my bestfriend and I almost treated him like my real brother. I think I need to control my feelings towards him. I gasped.

I assumed that he was already sleeping but he's not and he heard everything I said about him.

"Oh there you go I think I can now leave my dear Suho". I said still not knowing that he's still awake.

I finally got up and leave the room but before I totally leave the door Suho spoke and I got surprised.

"Did you just called me dear?" Suho said while chuckling.

"Oh no no! In your dreams! Just go to sleep, you need some rest Suho, it's really late now and we still have classes for tomorrow. Please go to sleep now". I replied and you slightly smiled at him.

"Okay thank you _____ (insert your name), sleep well my dear and forget what happened today I did not mean to do this. I'm so sorry". Suho seriously replied.

"Oh no~ , I understand, I'll go now good night". I blushed because I heard him saying "dear" to me.

Suho's POV

It's almost morning now and I realized something that I shouldn't do what I just did last night. My bestfriend was worrying about me while me is enjoying the night. I want to say sorry again for what I did to her in a nice way. Ugh! And she called me a "playboy?" it really hurts me and I also felt so disgusted with the girl I am flirting last night. Oh no ~ I am really different when I am drunk. *Sigh!* And I almost kissed her? That's really embarrassing. Ugh! I will just forget what happened and sleep now.

to be continue...

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