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Your POV

It's 4:00 pm in the afternoon, Saturday , November 08, 2014.

There was a guy that I met in our University yesterday, he is handsome, kind and a rich guy, his name was Kim Suho. I don't know what really happened yesterday but I like it though. OMG! the good thing happened is, he talked to me and he asked me for a date and here I am in front of the mirror of my bathroom, I am so nervous as well as excited because this will be my first time to have a date with a guy that I just met that day. My mom don't know that I'll be going out but I couragely excuse myself for a special reason. LOL

"Umma I will have a meeting with my best friend Irene today, she texted me last night that we'll going to make our project, I'll go now mom." You awkwardly said. (you lied for the sake of your first date Hahaha)

"Okay dear, go home early and be careful". Your mom replied as you escape from the house.

"Yes mom."

30 minutes later, finally you are already in the meeting place where the two of you are going to do the date. Surprisingly, Suho was already in the restuarant. You get your mirror from your shoulder bag to check if your face is neatly showed and you sighed! saying "relax and enjoy, I can do this".

You smiled confidently while walking with your skirt and pink cute blouse and wearing a 3 inches heels. Suho finally noticed you and he smiled at you while waving his right hand and you also smiled at him but still feeling shy and awkward.

Suho assisted you as you sit.

"Hi (insert your name) please have a sit, thank you for coming." Suho said. You smiled shyly at him. Suho take charge for the foods you are going to eat, he asked you what you want to eat. "Any meals matters for me". You replied. "Okay" he smiled at you.

Your POV

Aigooo why is it that I am feeling bad with this guy ? his smile and the way he look at me get me so nervous but I can't resist the fact that I like him. Waaaaaah please help me, I cannot. I am blushing right now, he was feeding me by offering his spoon from my mouth. Kyaaaaah!! it looks like we are already a couple. Ugh!

You two finally done eating in the restaurant. Suddenly, Suho grab your waist gently and he holds your left hand. You blushed >\\\\< . Suho whispered something from left your ear saying "Let's go to a place where you and me only".

Your heart is pounding so fast right now, you don't have a choice but to do what he wants.

You two are finally in the place he was saying. You got surprised by it. By the way it's already 7pm in the evening.

You were amazed by the place especially when you saw the fireworks coming from the sky. You're truly touched. You look at Suho's eyes and you smiled at him while saying "Thank you for this special day, you don't know how you made my day Suho".

Saying those words made the heart of Suho raced and he did not control his feelings as he grab you closer to him moving his face closer to your's until your lips met together, it was magical and this is your first ever kissed. A tear from your left eye showed and Suho noticed it. "Sorry I didn't mean to do this to you, forgive me and I want to say that I really like you since the day that I met you ____ (insert your name). He said sweetly.

"There's no need to worry about, I like it, and I like you too Suho".

Suho hugged you happily while wiping your tear by his left hand gently, you are still a little bit shocked from what had happened for this day but for you this is a very special day in your whole life.

The End

OMG :D This imagine is too sweet. Haha I can't believe that I made this. Hope you like it guys. Thank you for reading!

-junjinmin_exo ♥

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