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Your classmates are planning to have an outing because your summer classes is done. You are not sure if you will go or not because you are a type of girl that is very kill joy and do not want to socialize with other people unless you are interested with that person. Suddenly one of your classmate named Suho ask you if you will go or not.

Suho: Hi Y/N , (Y/N stands for your name) It is fun to have an outing, It seems that you are not interested Y/N are you?

Y/N: Uhm, I dunno , I think its a waste of time Suho so I am not going.

Suho: Oh come on, don't say that it's good to enjoy our vacation and have fun and do not be so kill joy.

Y/N: Uhm, I admit that already, that I am a kill joy but sometimes I am not ya!

Suho: Okay okay! Jebal just go with us please. I will take care of you there do not worry you will never get bored , I promised.

Suddenly you blushed because of what he have said. Suho is really kind and he never fails to make you smile so instead of not going you already said Yes that you will go also.

Y/N: Ahhh~ Okay I will go , and please do what you have said. Kekeke. >_<

Suho gave you a huge smile. And you also smiled at him, suddenly something just kick or move in your heart , it seems that it pumps so fast Aigoo >_< it is starting to get awkward you said in your mind.

Your classmates are having a meeting now and you two listened.

Classmate: Okay , guys our outing will be scheduled on Sunday at 7 am in the morning so please do not be late classmates and bring the things we have agreed in our meeting.

FINALLY it is SUNDAY ! Ohorat !

You came at 7:30 am surprisingly your classmates and Suho are already preparing the foods and the place where all of you are going to stay.

Y/N: Good morning, I am not that late right?

Suho: Oh good morning Y/N ! I am glad that you came here.

Y/N: Tsk, of course I already said last week that I will go and you promised to me that you will take care of me here. (you blushed)

Suho: Yes, I know Haha. So come and help us now.

Y/N: Arasseo~

Your classmates are really enjoying the outing especially when Suho started to cracked a joke. He was really happy. You are looking at him and wondering why you started to feel awkward since that last time you had felt. Suddenly he turned his looks to you and winked at you. You felt again that awkwardness, and he walks closer to you.

Suho: Hey Y/N why so serious there, come and join our classmates. (offering his right hand to you)

Y/N: No I am fine here. It is so nice to see you smiling always. What kind of energy do you have Suho?

Suho: Haha, nothing I am just happy that you are here that's all.

You blushed again. Can't help yourself that your starting to like him. (that fast?ㅋㅋ)

Suho: Would you mind if I ask you to walk along the beach? Just the two of us. We should not waste this wonderful place and special day.

Suho said sweetly offering his right hand to you for the second time. You cannot say no this time so you grab his right hand and said yes. (Oh how lucky you are)

Suho started to talk to you and you are just smiling and looking at him. You seemed to be shy because only two of you are walking along the shore.

Suho: How was your day today Y/N ? I hope you are enjoying our outing today ? Do you?

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